The “M” Family | Richmond VA family photographer

I met the “M” family when I did their “Meet your Cousin” session back in August.  I couldn’t wait to see how much Conner had grown since our last session!  He is SUCH a cute baby boy and full of smiles!  I had great time with this family and their dog. 🙂  Its hard to believe that Conner is already 1 year old, he has grown so much and is as cute as ever!  Thank you so much “M” family for allowing me to be a part of such a big milestone.  🙂    PIN IMAGESuch a sweet little face… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELove that hair!! PIN IMAGEFull of *smiles* PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEHe loves his Mommy and Daddy! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGESo sweet! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELove these two below… PIN IMAGELove this family!  PIN IMAGE