Meet Your Cousin! | A Family Affair

I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph not one, but TWO very sweet, handsome baby boys(and their families!) 🙂  It was another hot, hot day, but we pushed through and had a really fun session.  The boys were just SO cute!  There is about an eight month difference between them, and sadly, one lives in California, but I’m sure these two will have a great time growing up together.  I just love the images below, it puts a smile on my face every time I look at them.   PIN IMAGEI love his little expression! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEHow cute is he?! PIN IMAGEThese are some of my faves…..they remind me of when mine were oh so little!
PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEIf you only knew what I had to do to get this dog to look at me!  Ellen knows….thats why she’s got a big grin on her face haha! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELOVE these… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEPoor guy!…still cute as ever though… PIN IMAGEFamily photo! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEThank you so much to these wonderful families for choosing me to photograph such a special occasion for you all!  It was a treat!

  • August 5, 2011 - 4:56 PM

    Christian - Ashley these photo’s are beautiful. I literally teared up a bit at lunch when my wife and I were reviewing these. Spending time with my wife’s family is always special but we had the added benefit of meetign the newest member of the clan so this was a special trip for us “California kids”… thank you for capturing that so well for posteritiy.ReplyCancel

  • August 5, 2011 - 5:25 PM

    Ashley - awww!! Thank you so much for that Christian, I am so glad you like your photos! I had such a fun time working with you all and it meant so much to me knowing how special this was for you all!ReplyCancel

  • August 5, 2011 - 8:00 PM

    Janan - OMG what a handsome boy you have Ellen! He is sooo presh!ReplyCancel

  • May 25, 2012 - 10:13 AM

    Ashley Glasco Photography - […] met the “M” family when I did their “Meet your Cousin” session back in August.  I couldn’t wait to see how much Conner had grown since our last […]ReplyCancel