Project 52 | Week 2

“Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it.”-Confucius

I pass by one of my favorite fields at least three times a week and the sight of it never gets old.  It is a simple field…filled with tall grasses and bare trees, but it is that simplicity of the field that makes it so beautiful.  The one word that comes to mind when I see it each time is stillness.  It is untouched by machines and grows beautiful wild, yellow flowers in the summer.  Beside it is a pretty dirt road and a wooden fence, making it the perfect little spot.

I shot these photos on Thursday and the owner of the field stopped by as I was taking the pictures….He knows me, as I have stopped by there often to admire the land and have asked to use the property as a session location.  He asked, “Whatcha takin’ pictures of now?”  I replied with a smile, “Just the field today.  Its so pretty!”  He said, “If you can find beauty in that, then more power to ya!”  It’s funny how our vision of beauty is so vastly different.