Manic Monday! | Personal Goals

What a weekend this has been!  As Im sure most of you know, this week the fair was in town so we decided to go not once, but twice this week!  Friday, we got Kaleigh out of school early and went for a few hours then drove to the Goochland Drive In to see Frankenweenie!  The kids always have a great time at the drive in and it is such a fun experience!  If you havent been yet, you should definitely try it!  And for those of you looking for a date night, they have late night movies! 🙂  Friday was a busy day to say the least and we were all tired by the end!  Saturday I spent the entire day driving and shooting a wedding!  We were actually supposed to go on our annual camping and apple picking trip but had to reschedule our trip because a friend and fellow photographer broke her wrist and needed help with her wedding this past weekend.  I had such a great time with Stephanie and her husband and cant wait to show you the images from that day!  And it worked out to be a good thing since yesterday the weather wasnt great!  Jay and the kids did a lot of fun things like the Home Depot kid workshop, a fall festival, a visit with Nana and Papa, and a chili cookout with our neighbors.  I was sad to have missed such an eventful day with them, but we have this weekend to look forward to!  Due to all the craziness of the last couple of days, we used that and the rain as an excuse to do nothing on Sunday! We didnt do much of anything but some light cleaning, a little bit of work, and catching up on homework and school activities with the kids.  I LOVE days like this sometimes.  I dont think I could do it all the time just because I am the type of person who always has to be doing something….but every now and then its good to just do NOTHING!

My goals this week are a little lighter than most of my other weeks…but my week is just as busy!  With all the running around I do(preschool, soccer, gymnastics, piano, girl scouts, errands, etc!) and all the other things…you know…cleaning, laundry, cooking, taking care of my business….I stay busy haha!  Most days I dont have any down time, but I know I am not the only one….its just this time in my life right now and it wont always be like that so I have to remember to cherish these times as crazy as they are!  They will be gone in no time and then I will be wishing I was there again!

Below is a little sneak peak of our trip to the fair…I didnt capture too much this year so there may or may not be a blog post!  🙂


Ok onto the goals!

Last week’s goals:


-continue working out….Im feeling GREAT!

-have a fun time at the FAIR today!!!  We ended up going twice and the kids had a blast!!!

-continue editing personal photos(including the Halloween shoot) FINALLY starting to catch up on personal photos!  Yay!!

-order some prints for the fall

-take out all fall clothes for Kaleigh

-have lunch with Kaleigh at school 



-blog Tori and Peter’s wedding

-put 3 albums on facebook  Ive put up one…next two are coming this week…

-learn lightroom

-record mileage and expenses

-upload photos and cull from Jennifer and Luke’s wedding

-get excited to shoot a wedding with Stephanie on Saturday!

-send out client package

-upload client images online


This week’s goals:


-take out Kaleigh’s fall clothes

-order more fall prints 🙂

-edit personal photos

-clean and pack for our camping and apple picking trip!’

-date night!



-Get ready for my annual family session with the Bucklands today!! Thank you all for such a great shoot!!! 🙂

-send out client packages

-put two albums on facebook

-edit wedding photos

-lightroom is going on the backburner for now…..maybe after October I can begin learning it! 🙂


Happy Monday everyone!  Hope its great!


  • October 8, 2012 - 12:33 PM

    Hollie - Awww it looks like they had a blast! If you need any help with Lightroom (when you get to it), let me know! I certainly do not know it all and I’m taking a workshop on it in November, but I’m willing to help! 🙂ReplyCancel

    • October 8, 2012 - 2:10 PM

      Ashley - I will be taking you up on that offer! 🙂 What workshop are you taking in November?. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • October 8, 2012 - 4:26 PM

    Hollie - Will King is doing a Photoshop/Lightroom workshop. It’s November 24th.ReplyCancel

    • October 8, 2012 - 5:26 PM

      Ashley - Awesome!!! Ive been wanting to attend his lighting workshop! 🙂ReplyCancel