Manic Monday! | Personal Goals

Hi everyone!  Manic Monday has been missing in action for a couple of weeks, and with good reason!  There has been A LOT going on and I honestly have not had the chance to sit down and write!  I will try to not to make this post too long, but I have so much to tell you!  Where to start?!?!

First, I am happy to say that I have ordered our family’s Christmas cards for this year and that is such a big relief.  Now…if I could just get all the Christmas shopping done, I will be doing good!  Last week we had a lot of fun activities going on, including Thanksgiving!  I hope everyone had a great holiday.  We had a great time visiting families, eating delicious food, and celebrating lots of birthdays!  This time of year can get really busy, so it was nice to have a couple of days to just relax!  Thanksgiving weekend we got all of our decorations down from the attic and began decorating!  I also surprised Jay with a limo and we went with a bunch of friends to Charlottesville for the day.  It was such a fun time!!

This past weekend was pretty busy as well.  Friday evening I had an ordering session with the White family, thank you all for meeting with me again! 🙂  After, we headed over to our neighbor’s house for a pinterest party!  I made a pretty awesome wreath…which I am currently using as more of a decoration on my coffee table, but hey, it works! 🙂  Saturday, we did some light cleaning before heading out to get our very first REAL Christmas tree!  The kids had a great time picking out our tree, which Kaleigh has named Mary….or Merry….not sure which spelling she prefers.  We spent the evening watching Christmas movies, hanging stockings, making a gingerbread house, and decorating the tree.  Its not quite finished yet, but hopefully we can get it done this week!  I will be sure to post a picture when its finished!  Sunday, Kaleigh and I spent the afternoon/evening with her girl scout troop decorating the trailer and riding around through the Christmas parade.  The girls had a fun time waving and shouting, “Merry Christmas” to all of the people.  After, we went to Stevie B’s for dinner and then it was off to Salem Baptist for the Bethlehem Walk.  This was our first time attending and it was a really neat event!  If you’ve never been, I definitely suggest going, its a unique experience and the kids had a fun time.

This week is another busy one and there are many things I am looking forward to!  You can read all about it in this blog post! 🙂

Below is a photo collage of all the recent happenings….then onto the goals and things Im looking forward to this week! 🙂



Goals from week of November 12th:


-catch up on laundry and clean my house!

-start working on our Christmas cards!

-read at Carter’s school and have fun at his Thanksgiving Feast!! 🙂

-Barnes and Noble school night with a performance from Kaleigh’s class and pizza party for Carter’s soccer team

-start working out again!….vacation threw me off!

-decorate our house for Christmas!



-order new cards

-send lens off to get fixed

-EDIT…..LOTS of good things coming to the blog soon! 🙂

-email clients

-send out client packages

-schedule client ordering sessions

-newborn session today!

-client meeting…..rescheduled due to death in the family


And the goals and things I look forward to from last week that you didnt see!:


-celebrate Jay’s 30th birthday, my Dad’s 50th birthday, Thanksgiving, and Ginny’s birthday!!

-buy a new book to read

-take Kaleigh to get an eye exam and purchase glasses for her!

-order our Christmas cards and some personal prints for the holidays

-go to the Christmas tree farm(our FIRST time) and decorate our tree together!

-Bethlehem Walk at Salem Baptist Church.  SUCH a fun experience and the kids loved it!

-pinterest party with Carri and Eric

-take Kaleigh to read to Carter’s class at preschool

-have fun in the Mechanicsville parade with Kaleigh and her girl scout troop!



-order ALL clients’ prints, cards, etc!

-client meeting with the White family

-design and order Jennifer and Luke’s album

-go out to a local photographer’s dinner!  Yay!


This week’s goals and things Im looking forward to!:


-get Carter a haircut

-take car to the shop

-begin Christmas shopping!

-Help out at Kaleigh’s school this week 🙂

-sign Carter up for a trial class of Karate!

-take Carter to the doctor…he has had a cold for quite a while and just not getting better…poor thing!

-finish decorating the tree!

-visit Santa and get pictures taken

-movie on Wednesday with a friend

-girl scouts with Kaleigh

-fun activities with the kids for Christmas(ornament making at the library, All Fired Up for ceramic painting, look at the Christmas lights, and go see the West End Assembly of God Christmas play)  WHEW!



-package and send out client packages

-design album for Theodore 🙂

-order new SD cards

-send lens(es) off for a cleaning

-sign up for CPS

-order a special gift for my clients

-client emails and phone calls

-promo shoot today

-blog LOTS of sessions! 🙂

-finish editing Becky and Chris’ wedding and Tiont and Jeannae’s! 🙂


CLEARLY, its that time of year when everything gets a little chaotic!  Just remember to take it one day at a time!  I know how easy it is for me to become overwhelmed, but if I can remember to just take it one step at a time, everything will be ok!  Hope everyone has a fantastic Monday and a great week!  Enjoy this BEAUTIFUL weather we are going to have the next two days!  🙂


  • December 3, 2012 - 4:15 PM

    Hollie - I still haven’t ordered my Christmas cards! I need to get on that! Busy is good so I’m glad that you have work! Miss seeing you! 🙂ReplyCancel

    • December 3, 2012 - 5:00 PM

      Ashley - We’ll see how long it takes me to get them in the mail lol! Miss seeing you too Hollie!! We will have to catch up soon, if not before Christmas, than definitely soon after! 🙂ReplyCancel