Manic Monday! Personal and Business Goals!

Good afternoon!  What a BEAUTIFUL weekend we had!  This is my favorite time of year so I am trying to soak up as much as I can!  I know that it wont last for long and before you know it, winter will be here!  It is kind of crazy to think that Christmas will be here in THREE months!!  How did that happen?!!?  I know I am not ready for it haha!

We spent the weekend with our friends Carri and Eric, their kids, and family this weekend at the river and had such a great time!  I think I was most surprised by how well the kids all got along together!  Maybe it is because Kaleigh and Carter seem to fight more than anything, but to have 4 kids under the age of 9 all get along together for 2 1/2 days is a pretty big deal!  They played non stop….going to bed after midnight and waking up as the sun came up….I still cant believe how much energy they had!  Carter told me today that he wants to live at the river with Emmons so they can play the machine(an old video game system!)  They did everything from playing on the beach, swinging and riding the four wheeler to riding in the golf cart to the “jungle” as it is known, kicking the soccer ball, and LOTS of imaginative play.  And how can I forget playing Mario games?!

It was great being able to relax and watch them have fun.  And the crazy thing is…I brought my laptop like I normally do on vacations and other long weekend getaways because I always do some sort of work, whether its answering emails or editing photos…but this weekend, my laptop stayed in the bag!  I fought the urge to work and it was great. 🙂

I will be playing catch up this week, but now I actually have the TIME to do that with Carter in preschool. Yay!  Ok so here are the goals from last week:


-put together school outfits for the next two weeks(makes our mornings SO much better!)

-start working out THIS week!

-finish editing beach pictures and start editing Beth’s pictures of our family

-get excited for soccer season

-get ready to send my baby to preschool tomorrow!

-clean up so I can head to the river with our friends and their family this weekend!




-write down expenses/miles

-follow up emails


-write 3 blog posts and blog them this week!

-edit, edit, edit!

-purchase new laptop

-install light room and learn how to use it! 🙂

-meet with a potential bride! 🙂


And goals for this week:



-begin getting fall/Halloween decor out

-PTO meetings, back to school night, Room parent meetings, etc!

-do something fun as a family(hopefully going to the pumpkin patch….we wont be here for Halloween this year, so I am trying to get everything done early!)

-Carter’s first soccer game!



-blog Jay and Brittany’s wedding

-meet with a potential wedding couple!

-engagement party shoot on Saturday!

-meet with Susan to drop off her canvas!

-install lightroom

-EDIT!  I am ALMOST caught up!

  • September 23, 2012 - 10:19 PM

    Hollie - Yes, please do yourself a favor and install Lightroom. 😉

    Oh, and pardon all the blog comments at once, but I’m playing catch up. For some reason, when I’m at work viewing your blog it ALWAYS freezes my computer and one day it’s going to get me fired! HAHAHA!ReplyCancel

    • September 23, 2012 - 10:36 PM

      Ashley - haha! I know! I STILL have not done it! I just got my new laptop, so I will at least install the program lol! Thats so weird about your computer freezing up with my blog…I hope its nothing on my end and I hope it doesnt happen to everyone! :/ReplyCancel