Im Back! | Personal

Its been a LONG time since I have posted anything personal on the blog…I really tried to keep the balance this summer with work and the kids being at home all day and I guess I didnt do a very good job! :/  Then August came around and with vacation and the school year starting right after, things have been NON STOP!  Its been quite an adjustment now that both kids are in school(you’d think that life would be a little bit easier, but in fact, its gotten that much harder)  Double homework, double sports, double everything!  Our lives are non stop…Im sure every family can relate to this!  But running a business takes a lot of time and effort so Ive been a little stressed out to say the least!

I wont turn this into a long post, but I just wanted to do a little recap of our summer!  I think the kids had a GREAT couple of months.  We did a little bit of EVERYTHING!  Gymnastics, soccer, swimming, playdates, trips to the beach, putt putt, reading, bike riding, ice cream eating, produce stand shopping, hiking, strawberry picking, blueberry picking, a trip to jumpology, the movies, tree house building, birthday parties, sleepovers, tent building, marshmallow roasting, sparkler fun, fishing, VBS, bubble blowing, side walk chalk drawing, fire fly catching, drive in movie watching, and flat out being lazy some days!  Overall, it was a fun(and busy!) summer!  But now its time for that little thing called STRUCTURE again!  Now that we are in a good routine, I am going to try to focus on blogging more.  Yes, it took us a solid MONTH to finally get in the swing of things haha!  Ive got a several blog posts that will be coming soon(weddings, engagement sessions, personal photos, etc) so stay tuned!  Now that I have put that out there Ive got to stick with it haha!

I will leave you with a few photos that I recently took of Kaleigh…I didnt get a chance to take any for her birthday this year(well, she wouldnt let me!) so I decided to do something before the school year started.  🙂   PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE

  • November 8, 2013 - 9:16 PM

    Hollie - Ashley! She seriously needs to model!ReplyCancel

    • November 12, 2013 - 9:51 PM

      Ashley - Awww! Thank you Hollie! 🙂ReplyCancel