Grace and Adrien | Blacksburg VA engagement shoot | Virginia Tech

I was so eager to post these, I totally forgot to write about what a fun session this was!

When I first met Grace and Adrien, I knew they were going to be a great couple to work with.  They were so sweet and really excited about the wedding planning.  Originally, they were wanting to be married in October of 2013, but things got pushed up because Adrien is in the military and is going to have to leave sooner than expected.  I am so excited to be their wedding photographer in February of THIS year, so get ready!!  From what I hear, the wedding is going to be AMAZING!…they are working with wedding planner, Keith, from Everything But Your Groom: Exceptional Event Planning.  Catering.  Design.  and I am so excited to work alongside him.

I loved hearing Grace and Adrien’s story about how they met….and it all happened in Blacksburg.  They both attend Virginia Tech, so what better place to hold their engagement shoot than on campus?!  I had SUCH a great time with this couple….there was lots of laughter and it was just plain fun!  I think seeing the images will be a better explanation of how perfect Grace and Adrien are for each other….when they are together, they cant help but smile!  Below are some of my favorite images from the day.  Part II will be coming soon!!  PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEI told you they were a fun couple! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELove this… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEI LOVED that they incorporated Adrien’s uniform in the shoot… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELOVE! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEThese next images are some of my favorites…I LOVE photographing in wide open fields, tall grass, and beautiful fall leaves!  UGH! PIN IMAGEYou guys are gorgeous! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEYou guys rocked this session! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEAnother favorite! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEAnd another….there are just so many great ones! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEGrace and Adrien, thank you all so much for such a fun session!  I am so excited to work with you again in February!  Stay tuned for part II of your amazing engagement photos! 🙂