Blog? CHECK!

Hi and welcome to my BLOG!!  I am so excited to finally be writing my first blog post ever!  It was very hard to keep this is a secret for so long and I am proud of myself haha!  One of my business goals for 2011 was to start a blog and here we are in July already!  This year is going by so fast and I am very happy that one my many goals has been reached!  I hope to use this blog as a way for you all to get to know me a little better and to share photos of my fabulous clients!  I am thrilled to begin this journey and I hope you are too!

Before I go, I just wanted to share a little bit this past weekend.  To start, I have been super busy with the business side of things lately and sadly, family life has suffered.  I am hoping to become better at balancing everything in life so that I can enjoy watching my children grow up.  Its hard -when I have a real passion for what I do-to put work aside and this is something I need help with!  Thankfully, I did have some downtime this past weekend.  My grandmother owns a house in White Stone and it is such a wonderful, peaceful place to be!  The kids have a blast playing in the water, building sandcastles, chasing our dog Jingles around, and just being kids!  We drove there on Thursday and spent two nights just hanging out and relaxing….and it was AWESOME!  Sure, I had a bunch of unanswered emails, unedited images, and phone calls to make…..not to mention the piles of laundry and dishes to come home to, but was it worth it?  YES!!

Below is a little peak at what our weekend looked like….Kaleigh finally learned to ride her bike a few weeks ago and she is LOVING it!  Watching her ride off that first time really tugged my heart.  Just another step of “letting her go.”  Pretty soon she’ll be going off to college…and its going to be here before I know it.



  • June 30, 2011 - 7:21 PM

    Kim - LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT! Congratulations on your new blog. I look forward to all your awesome posts to come. Your work is amazing!ReplyCancel

  • June 30, 2011 - 6:12 PM

    Jessica - Ashley, I am so excited! I love it! I can’t wait to see all of the great things to come. And of course, see you on SUNDAY!ReplyCancel

  • July 1, 2011 - 8:48 AM

    Laura Gordon - Congratulations on the new blog! It looks awesome Ashley- I’m so excited for you 🙂 I especially love the scrolling pictures at the top!!! This is going to be an awesome new adventure for you and I’m excited to read your posts!! Glad you had a weekend of relaxation, I think we all need a self declared weekend off!!ReplyCancel

  • July 1, 2011 - 12:28 PM

    Ashley - Thank you so much everyone! Glad you guys are here for the journey! 🙂ReplyCancel