Black and White | Personal

This is what our typical Saturday morning looks like….the kids love to watch a show or two while they eat cinnamon rolls and milk.  The week is is busy with homework and running around and I know they need a break too.  It also gives Mommy and Daddy a chance to sleep in 🙂

Notice they are watching a DVD on the tiniest screen ever!  Its actually a karaoke machine but will play DVDs as well and for some reason the kids really like to watch it on there…I guess it could also be that we have a password lock on the big computer in the living room(where we watch our “tv” because we dont have a dvd player or cable!) Ha!  🙂

This makes me look forward to the weekend already!


  • February 26, 2013 - 7:31 PM

    Kristy, Life-n-Reflection - I agree, we all need a break on the weekends. I love their paintings hanging randomly up on the wall!ReplyCancel

    • February 26, 2013 - 8:22 PM

      Ashley - Thank you Kristy! 🙂ReplyCancel