The S Family | Family Reunion

When I talked to Cari on the phone about scheduling a session, she sounded so happy!  Her family, her husband’s parents, and his brother’s family were all going to be together for the weekend.  This would probably be the only time all summer that they would see each other so they wanted to have some photos taken.  What was even more important was that, they wanted to capture their families together because Mr. Shannon(husband to Joe Ann, father to Jason and Jimmy, and Pops to 7 sweet grandchildren) has had health issues in the recent years.  Now, more than ever, they wanted to preserve their family as they are now….at this moment in time.  I couldn’t have been more honored to give this family these photos that I know will be cherished for many, many years to come.  The joy that comes with my job is sometimes so overwhelming that I can’t help but tear up.  I am thankful each day that I am able to give families lasting memories and it is so meaningful to me to be able to witness the love and connectedness with each and every family I photograph.  Here’s to family, life, love, and happiness.  PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELove this shot below…. PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGECan you get any cuter?! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEThis is one of my favorites… PIN IMAGELove… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE
PIN IMAGEThank you sweet Shannon family for allowing me to photograph your family, it was truly an honor.

  • August 4, 2011 - 8:27 PM

    Kari - aw this was such a sweet looking family! love itReplyCancel

  • August 4, 2011 - 9:47 PM

    Ashley - Thanks so much Kari 🙂ReplyCancel