The Glasco Family Vacation | Nags Head

I look forward to our family beach trip every year!  It is my favorite vacation that we take(and ties with the Disney trips we take every other year or so!)  I look forward to the kite flying, sand castle building, relaxing, eating seafood, and the atmosphere of the beach.  What more could a person ask for?!  Sun, sand, and family.  I have been going to the same condo since I was a little girl, so getting to share this with my own family makes it even more special.  I treasure the fact that the memories that Kaleigh and Carter will have from these trips, I also had as a child.  I slept in the same bed, swam in the same pool, and built castles on the same beach.  It is such a wonderful thing to share.

This year was a bit different because, not only were we hit by the hurricane on the day we were supposed to leave, but Carter had also broken his foot(four metatarsal bones to be exact!) so we knew that this year’s trip would have to be a bit different than usual.  Carter would not be able to splash around in the pool or run from the waves at the beach….so, we thought of some pretty neat alternatives to water.

Our first day at the beach was spent hanging out at Kitty Hawk Kites, where the kids got to buy their own kite(Kaleigh’s had peace signs and Carter’s was an octopus that he likes to call Opi).  Later that evening, Carter gave Opi a big hug and said, ” I love Opi.  He’s my best friend.  I’m Opi’s best friend and he’s my best friend.  And I like to fly him.  I love Opi and Opi loves me.  And we love each other.”  SO cute!  After we flew the kites, we took a walk on the beach…this is one of my favorite traditions!  The day we get to the beach, we don’t worry about unpacking or getting into the room….we head straight for the beach to take in the nice breeze, smell the salt water, and feel the sand between our toes.

Finally, we went to my all time favorite place to eat at the beach….Hurricane Moe’s.  From the outside, it doesn’t look like anything special, but they have the most amazing homemade honey wheat bread and honey butter….they make all of their dressings(yum!), and their blackened tuna with soy sauce and coconut rice is to die for!  Ok, so enough rambling….here is part one of our trip. 🙂