
There are so many things that I am thankful for each and every day.  As I reflect back on this past year, one word that comes to mind is growth.  There has been growth in every aspect of my life… children have grown….I have grown personally….my business has grown….my relationships with other people have grown.  It has been a wonderful experience, even when so many times I felt like giving up or lacked confidence in so many areas of my life.  But to take a step back and look at how much I have accomplished in just a short period of time is a wonderful thing.  I finally feel comfortable with myself and who I am and that alone is a freeing feeling.  On the day of thanks, I would like to express just a few things that I am thankful for…..

My Lord and Savior, who, will NEVER give up on me…even when I have at times.  Who loves me unconditionally, even when I don’t love myself.  Who accepts me for who I am always….no. matter. what.  Who has blessed me with a wonderful, loving family and two beautiful children.  And Who has given me this amazing gift and passion for photography so that I can share that gift with others.

My husband, who, has faith in me even when I do not at times.  Who has supported me each and every day of our lives together and who encourages me to dream big.

To Kaleigh and Carter, who have brought more joy to me than I could ever imagine.  Who are the center of my world and everything I am.  Life for me did not begin until they came to be.

My family.  Who have supported and loved me each and every day.  Who saw a future for me and believed in me.  Who put up with me and my childish ways when I was growing up and being able to see past it.

My friends.  I have just a small handful of very close friends who have supported me and who have been through so much with me, both good and bad…..and who have put up with my uncertainty at times, craziness, my perfectionism.

My clients.  Who are supportive, encouraging, and inspire me to keep doing what I love.  Who, each and every day, give me the confidence and self-esteem I need to continue living my dream.  And who have become dear friends to me.

My grandad.  Who I miss every single day.  He was the first person who has passed away that I was really close to and although he has been gone for almost two years, it still hurts.  I wish he could see how far I have come….he was one of the most supportive people of me and my dream for photography.  Sadly, he did not get to witness me making my dream a reality, but I take comfort in knowing that he would have been so proud.  I will always remember that he too, shared a passion for photography.

Funny thing….when I look at my list… isn’t filled with materialistic things(that consumes my house!) or the latest, most up to date tech stuff…..its people.  I pray that I can keep this in the forefront of my mind each and every day and that I will not let the worldly things get in the way of what matters…..because I know what matters.  Unfortunately, it is the things that matter most that are often neglected.  So I pray that on this day, and everyday, we all remember what is important.

Happy Thanksgiving friends and family.  I hope you all have a blessed day.


  • November 24, 2011 - 12:46 PM

    Chandra Robinson - What a beautiful note of thanks! I too thank God are allowing our paths to cross and your desire to share your gift/talents with Pink & Pigtails. Happy Thanksgiving!ReplyCancel

    • November 24, 2011 - 9:54 PM

      Ashley - Thank you Chandra! 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!ReplyCancel

  • November 24, 2011 - 10:09 PM

    Carly - Beautifully said Ashley!ReplyCancel

    • November 24, 2011 - 10:12 PM

      Ashley - Thank you Carly 🙂 Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!ReplyCancel

  • November 24, 2011 - 11:12 PM

    Erin - Beautifully said, Ashley. Happy Thanksgiving and may more blessings come your way.ReplyCancel

    • November 24, 2011 - 11:19 PM

      Ashley - Thank you so much Erin! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! 🙂ReplyCancel