Remembering | Personal

This post is a bit hard for me to write….it is sometimes difficult putting feelings into words, especially when thoughts of a lost loved one brings tears.  Two years ago today, my grandfather’s life was abruptly and tragically ended.  It was a shock to everyone in our family and we are still feeling the effects of it to this day.  To make matters worse, it was my mother’s birthday and just 8 days before Christmas.  Our family’s lives were forever changed.

I do not want to turn this into a sad story, but sometimes you have to take the good with the good and the bad with the bad.  Writing is a way for me to remember the past and keep the memories alive for the future.  Today I am writing this post to honor and remember a great man who touched the lives of many people and who was the glue to our family for so many years.

I wish I knew more about my grandfather…I wish I had taken the time to sit and talk with him more.  All the times that I was “just too busy” are constant reminders of how I should have just slowed down.  I remember times that I had the opportunity to go and talk to him, just for a few minutes and chose not to….I will forever regret those decisions…..

What I do remember about Grandaddy was that he had a big heart and was willing to help out anyone in need.  He was a very hard worker and dedicated to his family.  He had a wonderful laugh that I loved and hope to always remember when I think of him.  He could be feisty at times, but had the sweetest, most sensitive side to him….a side that I always saw over the other……He had a hard time hearing sometimes and would mistake what you were saying….my grandma used to get mad at that haha!  My sister and I would just laugh at their “we’ve been married for almost 50 years” relationship.

Granddaddy used to fall asleep in his chair, usually with the newspaper or a romance novel(I told you he was sensitive!) in his hands,  and just snore away….didn’t matter what time of day lol!  His dog Shirley, loved him to death and followed him everywhere.  EVERY.  WHERE……they were inseparable……Granddaddy had a bit of an accent that my sister Kristin and I just loved to mimic….certain words or phrases that he used a lot just stuck with us and make me laugh to this day.  When we were little, Kristin and I used to love going to my grandparents house to hang out…especially for the Dr. Pepper’s and dollars my Granddaddy would give us.  Ahh…we could always count on those dollars…….The short time before his death that they lived at the bay, I loved watching him ride his lawn mower to the end of the dock…what a funny site that was, oh, and the time that he got on a bike and rode it around the grass…..unforgettable!  So many great memories and times that I could go on and on about……

I miss his laugh, his hugs, and his encouragement.  He had a love for photography and really wanted me to follow my passion for it.  He and my grandmother bought me my first SLR to help get me started….if it were not for them, I wouldn’t have a business today.  He encouraged me to dream big and conquer my goals.  He would be so proud of what I have accomplished in these last two years.

I STILL find it so hard to believe that he is not here with us and when I think of him now, I can’t help but longing for just one last hug.  I miss him just as much now as I did two years ago and the pain is no less hurtful.  But I take comfort in the memories he gave to me and our family and the legacy he passed on.

Holidays are not always as cheerful for some.  Let us remember and pray for those who have lost loved ones, especially during holidays like Christmas.


  • December 17, 2011 - 11:54 AM

    Carly - Beautifully written Ashley. There is no doubt in my mind that your grandfather is watching over you and your family everyday. Rejoicing with you in your accomplishments and wishing he could hug you as much as you do. Take comfort in knowing you will see him again and always hold on to those memories you made together here on earth.ReplyCancel

    • December 17, 2011 - 10:45 PM

      Ashley - Thank you Carly. 🙂 Well said…I do take comfort in knowing that I will see he him again one day. Love you!ReplyCancel