WELL!  Its been quite a while since I have been able to write a Manic Monday blog post!  If you didnt read before, my blog space was FULL and I was at a stand still as far as blogging images for my clients!  It has been really frustrating, but I finally have been given some extra space(thankfully!) I still have a lot of great things coming to the blog so stay tuned!  AND….I have a pretty important job that I will be working on in the very near future and I am super excited about it!  Keeping it a secret until then so you’ll have to wait for it. 🙂

I must confess also…I totally missed April’s 15 on 15 🙁  I was so sad when I looked at the date and realized it was the 19th!  I cant believe I missed it.  BUT, now that Ive gotten everything straight for the time being with the blog, I will definitely not miss May’s 15 on 15 🙂

These last few weeks have been pretty busy and the next few are going to get even more busy(weddings, engagement sessions, birthday parties, end of the school year parties, and lots of other little projects I have going on)  It never seems to end!  My hope is that by the end of June things will have settled down a little bit so I can enjoy the summer with the kids.  I am so proud of myself because I have really been making it a point to stay on top of editing so that I dont fall behind during this busy season.  I proudly say that I have been doing a great job of it(not getting as much sleep as I should, but if thats what it takes!)  So, Im going to just give you a recap of what April looked like…I cannot believe that May is already here!


April’s highlights:

-shot both April weddings well  Yay!  Congrats to Keith and Alivia and Nathan and Katie

-shot all of my family and engagement sessions well  Lots of fun sessions coming to the blog soon, thank you to all of my sweet families and couples!

-edited family sessions, personal photos, weddings, and engagement sessions

-designed 2 wedding albums  Woo-Hoo!

-ordered new camera batteries, flash batteries, and sd cards   finally!

-planted a garden and plant some new plants in the yard

-worked on the back yard area so we can have a nice place to hang out

-cleaned the playroom(its been WAY too long and it looks like a tornado went through!)

-had fun with the kids on spring break(putt putt, library, icecream outings, play dates, sleepovers, and  two day beach trip with Duke)  Lots of fun!

-two day getaway to Charlottesville while the kids were at the beach

-photographed a birthday party

-field trip to the VA Living Museum with Kaleigh’s class  What a fun day this was!  Kaleigh was extremely excited about the bathroom, tv, and trays on the bus haha

-went to the new jumpology!  It was AWESOME!  I did some things that I havent done in over a decade haha!  It felt great!

-signed Carter up for kindergarten in the fall 🙁 🙁 🙁

-attended field day with Kaleigh at her school

-went to Claire’s birthday party  Kids had a blast

-went to Kaleigh’s gymnastics meet and Carter’s soccer game

-photographed a mini senior session


I can PROUDLY say that I did each and every one of these things during the month of April!!  Yay!


This week’s goals:


-lots of errand running this week 🙁

-take birthday pictures with the kids

-finish making the “yearbooks” for Carter and his class

-catch up on laundry!

-continue planning for the kids birthdays next month

-make slideshow for Kaleigh’s gymnastics team for the end of the year party



-back up my computer do a major purge…I have no space left on my computer! :/

-cull through Nathan and Katie’s wedding and start editing!

-renew my website subscription

-turn in more paperwork to the government for the business

-emails, sending out packages, and client drop off orders 🙂

-order the two wedding albums that I designed