Manic Monday | Photography Business Goals

Another Monday morning has come!  I hope everyone had a nice weekend!  It was definitely a hot weekend…thankfully, we were surrounded by a pool most of the weekend….well, the kids were anyway!  I had a rare weekend off(yay!) and our kiddos stayed at their cousin’s house of the weekend, so Jay and I had TWO days kid-free.  This is even more rare haha!  We made sure to make the best of it so Friday we went to Escape Room with another couple and then out for dinner and drinks at Rock Bottom after.  If you like good beer and good food, you must check out Rock Bottom!  As for Escape Room, I had never heard of this until our friends told us about it and its pretty cool!  Essentially, they have four different rooms in which you must “escape” by solving different clues.  You have an hour to solve the clues and free yourself.  We did the “Mind Trap” room and I have to say, it was really fun!  Its nothing like I have ever done and so glad we tried it out!  You can read more about it on my friend, Kate(with RVA Housewives) blog!  Saturday, we met up with another couple at COTU for a couple of hours before heading out to the shooting range and dinner with one of Jay’s co-workers and wife.  This was my second time at the range and I loved it even more than the first time!  My hand is still sore haha, but I felt a lot more comfortable with everything and have a pretty good aim!  We had dinner at The Mill and it was AMAZING!!  I cant believe we havent heard of this place sooner!  I want to go back already haha!  We had the mussels for an app and I had the pork chop special(so flavorful!) and Jay had the steak special.  I am excited we have a new restaurant to go to on date nights!  Its been a long time since we have found a restaurant that we love and isnt too expensive!  🙂  Yesterday we took it easy and did some cleaning before picking up the kids and then we spent the rest of the afternoon and evening at a boy scout picnic pool party to plan for the upcoming year!  It was a really fun “adult” weekend–I am still kind of in shock that we got two days to ourselves!  I feel a little selfish, but I honestly cant even remember the last time we had more than an evening away from the kids so it was well earned! 🙂  And, these next few weeks are going to be really busy for me so it was nice to have a break before the craziness begins!  Below is a recap from Carter’s adventures at Boy Scout camp….Jay spent the weekend with him so they are all iPhone pictures!  🙂

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And onto the goals!


-follow up eye appointment for Kaleigh

-start and finish my front and back deck project

-laundry…..never ending!

-boy scout picnic



-attend Tuesday’s Together meeting

-finish editing Seth and Kara’s wedding

-upload and send bridal guide to 2016 brides…its taking FOREVER to upload!

-meeting with my July bride, Patricia


This week’s agenda:


-Carter’s friend’s birthday party

-girl scout get together

-do something fun with the kids this week because the next few are going to be BUSY!  And….Ive been working too much for them to be at home with me and they deserve some mom time!



-shoot Patricia and Jon’s wedding

-engagement session on Friday

-blog Seth and Kara’s wedding

-finish back deck project

-photographer’s meet up