Mini Sessions | Richmond, VA Family and Portrait Photographer

I had the pleasure of working with a few families this fall for mini sessions!  I love minis because they are quick and easy and I love meeting new clients and reconnecting with my current clients!  Below are some favorites from the first round of fall mini sessions!

Meet the “H” family….I had the pleasure of working with them for the first time and they were a blast!  During our session I kept thinking, “I wonder how its going to feel having teenagers?”  Its hard to imagine right now, but it will be here before you know it!  Below are some favorites from our session. 🙂 2014-11-14_0001PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0002PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0003PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0004PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0005PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0006PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0007PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0008PIN IMAGEMeet Devon….her sweet little girl was unable to attend the mini session due to sickness(I have had SO many clients have to reschedule due to sickness) Its just that time of year!  So, Devon decided to get some updated headshots!
2014-11-14_0009PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0010PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0011PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0012PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0013PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0014PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0015PIN IMAGEMeet the “R” family…I have loved getting to watch Keenyn grow up these last couple of years.  I have watched him grow from a teeny babe to now and he is cuter than ever and has so much personality!  He is always happy and this time around he was so talkative!  I loved listening to him seeing all the fun changes as he has gotten older! 2014-11-14_0016PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0017PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0018PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0019PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0020PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0021PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0022PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0023PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0024PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0025PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0026PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0027PIN IMAGEMeet the “M” family…here is another cutie who I have had the pleasure of watching grow this past year.  She is so, so sweet and oh so loved by her mom and dad!  In just a short year she has grown so much and I have loved being a part of these special times! 🙂 2014-11-14_0028PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0029PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0030PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0031PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0032PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0033PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0034PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0035PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0036PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0037PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0038PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0039PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0040PIN IMAGE 2014-11-14_0041PIN IMAGE