Manic Monday!

So….another late post!  Oh well, its better than not doing one at all right??  This past weekend was pretty fun…I got to photograph a wedding for a friend of Jay’s so all the  Glasco boys and their girls were there, along with some other friends we hang out with!  It is hard sometimes balance work and fun, but I think I did a pretty good job of it! 🙂  It was a beautiful wedding to say the least….the University of Virginia is such a pretty campus and I was honored to be a part of Josh and Erin’s special day!  I can’t wait to show you the photos!  We didn’t do much of anything on Sunday…it was one of our rare, lazy, do nothing but watch tv kind of days.  Ha!  I did order a pepperoni, mushroom, and feta pizza from the Mellow Mushroom in Charlottesville before we left and it was AMAZING!!  I seriously could have eaten the entire pizza yesterday, but I managed to save two pieces for today lol!  Me + Pizza = no self control!  Ok, I know this is a short one, but it looks like a hurricane out there so Im going to wrap it up in case I loose power!  Hope everyone has a great week!  Below are the goals…sorry for no photos 🙁


Last week’s goals:


-create a rough summer schedule for myself and the kids….Ill try this again!

-workout three times….I NEED to do this!

-clean, clean and clean some more!

-get together with some friends for some play date fun!



-edit wedding photos

-blog 1 personal post and 1 wedding post   THIS WEEK!!

-get excited for my wedding Josh and Erin’s wedding this weekend!

-edit 2 portrait sessions  slowly, but steadily getting these done!

-edit 2 bridal portrait sessions

-edit 3 weddings

-book my hotel for this weekend…..ah!!!  Should NOT have waited this long!!!

-place client orders


This weeks goals:


-organize the giant pile of papers on the counter

-clean up around the house

-have fun at the girls beach trip with my sister and friend and the kiddos

-start a new book



-edit portrait, bridal, and wedding photos

-place client orders

-catch up on emails

-blog 1 personal post and 1 wedding post