Manic Monday!

Good morning everyone!  I know its been a while since I have posted a Manic Monday and I apologize!  I am have been SO bad about keeping up with my blog and I am so sorry for that!  This time of year is extremely busy with weddings, shoots, end of school year activities, kids’ birthdays, summer planning, household chores, after-school activies, and family time lol!  I have been really trying to keep my priorities straight so that I dont get too stressed out and whatever gets done will get done and whatever doesnt get done, doesnt get done lol.  I hope that doesnt make me seem like a slacker.  I have just spent too many years stressing out about things that really do not matter in the end.

This weekend was SO exhausting haha!  Friday, Kaleigh had her birthday party with her friends(a total of 15 girls! for a 3 hour pool party!)  I dont think I sat down one time that entire day/night and I didnt eat a single thing until dinner time(when I sat down finally lol!)  It was SO much fun but it was realllllly tiring.  Saturday, I headed to Williamsburg for Matt and Emily’s wedding(SOOO beautiful, fun, and perfect) but I was TIRED!!!  I didnt get home until almost 2 am and I was too tired to even wrap Kaleigh’s presents for her birthday 🙁  I didnt think she would mind because we went shopping together so she knew everything she was getting, but she was a little upset to not get to open anything on her birthday. 🙁  It was also Father’s Day and I feel so bad about this now, but guys….I was beyond exhausted.  I dont know why I planned a birthday party around a wedding, but my legs have been throbbing since Friday afternoon.  I was worthless on Sunday and I feel bad because that was not “my day” but I kind of made it that way because of the busy weekend I had. 🙁  And if you dont have kids and are reading this….just wait!  haha


So the list below is from the last few week’s of my to-do list!



-continue planning for the kids birthdays next month.….cant believe they came and went!  So stressful, but so worth it haha!

-Carter’s LAST week of preschool!  So bittersweet!  I hate thinking that he will be in kindergarten this fall and he is very sad to be leaving his preschool 🙁

-my sister’s birthday(hoping to spend a little time with her!)

-Kaleigh’s second week of SOL’s which means early bedtime!!! 🙂

-celebrating Carter’s birthday at his preschool along with his other friends who have summer birthdays!

-end of the year party for gymnastics and slideshow!

-maybe a bowling night and a trip to the zoo this week/weekend with the family!

-edit personal photos

-order invites for the kids’ parties!!

-Carter’s last soccer game of the season!

-yearly check-ups for the kids  Kaleigh and Carter are 1.5 pounds apart and 4 years apart in age lol!

-celebrate Carter turning FIVE!!!(including a trip to Jumpology, Toys R Us and the baseball game!)

-celebrate Carter’s birthday party with his friends at the house……It was SO much fun and SO chaotic lol!  Photos to come soon……

-celebrate the last day of school for Kaleigh by going to Stevie B’s for dinner!

-celebrate Kaleigh’s 9th birthday with her friends with a pool party!!!…….FIFTEEN GIRLS, Carter and his “brother” Emmons….it made for a really great time!  I was SO impressed with the girls and how well they followed instructions, listened, etc.  I honestly think that Carter’s birthday with the 6-7boys that came was much more intense lol

-celebrate Father’s Day AND Kaleigh’s birthday on the 16th!  How awesome is that?!?!?



-Im going to be second shooting with Angela Roy this Saturday!  So excited to finally meet her…we have talked through email over the last several months!

-edit the “J” family

-blog Travis and Jackie’s wedding

-blog Angela and Joe’s engagement session

-blog Emily and Matt’s engagement session

-catch up on emails

-write down expenses and mileage

-send out client packages

-have fun at Sarah and Brian’s wedding on June 1st!!!

-have fun at Matt and Emily’s wedding on the 15th!


This week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:



-sign the kids up for the summer reading program at the library

-sign the kids up for VBS….at one if not two local churches lol!

-edit personal photos

-do something fun with the family…its my first weekend in a LONG time that I dont have a shoot or wedding so I am looking forward to the break!  I think we may try to go to the zoo or the drive-in movie 🙂

-send off my bills!  Ugh!  I put this off and I REALLY need to do it this week!

-start brainstorming ideas for fun things for the kids to do this summer….they cannot be bored!  They will drive me crazy lol!

-attend a birthday party for one of Carter’s friends

-attend a baby shower for my friend Liz!

-paint the back part of  my bookshelf

-paint the tree house(this has come such a long way!  I am not even sure if I have mentioned this on the blog or not, but the kids desperately want a tree house so we asked all family members to contribute monetary donations…instead of gifts!….for their birthdays this year.  Jay is almost finished building it!…photos to come soon!)

-clean my car and get my house back in order from all of these parties!

-take the numerous bags of stuff to the Goodwill!  Yay for getting rid of things!



-blog Sarah and Brian’s wedding

-catch up on emails

-write down expenses and mileage

-send out client packages

-edit Matt and Emily’s wedding

-get my things together for the fun project I am working on….

-backup computer and purge files

-send out images to all of my vendors!


So that is A LOT of goals for myself with two children at home all day now that summer vacation has begun.  Wish me luck everyone….Im going to try to remember my priorities…