Manic Monday!

Good morning everyone!  What a surprising “snow” we had last night!  Kaleigh had a two hour delay this morning so that always throws things off a bit.  This weekend was pretty uneventful for us.  While we did manage to get a lot of cleaning done and getting rid of TONS of things, I have been slowing burning out.  Jay has been working A LOT of overtime which means that I am with the kids by myself a lot more.  It finally hit me…I. NEED. A. BREAK.  Big time.  And Im not just talking a 10 minute break.  I mean a full one day to myself….at least.  Being with children who constantly are interrupting, fighting, nagging, distracting you from your work kind of children takes a toll on a person.  Im not saying they are all bad haha, they do great playing by themselves and even with each other for a time being, BUT everyone has their breaking point, and Ive reached mine.  My wedding begins in ONE weekend and I feel like I am in need of some relaxation before then.  There, I said it!  Jay, if you are reading this, its a big hint to you.  😉

I also want to touch base on my 52 week project…I have not given up, although some of you probably think I have lol!  I have missed posting the last few weeks because I am just exhausted by Friday.  I know its not that hard to post a simple picture, but Im loosing motivation already and we arent even halfway into 2013.  Im going to make it a point to be better about that.  I also didnt post 15 on 15 on Friday because the day that I documented probably wasnt the best day.  I was at a shoot for three hours(and two hours were spent in drive time) and then I fell asleep at 8:00 that night.  Ha!  So you can imagine all the photos I took that day.  Still, I am going to post it for you. 🙂

Below are the goals from last week….



-go to Goodwill to drop off THREE trash bags full of clothes that I am getting rid of….I dont have a problem with spending money, I have a problem with hanging on to things(MUCH of what I am getting rid of is from my high school days!!!)  Sad I know!    SO glad I did this!  Now I have an excuse to shop….JK! haha

-do all the cleaning I didnt get a chance to do this weekend!  I dont think our house has been this clean in a long time!

-take Kaleigh and Carter’s clothes to the second hand shop….if ANYONE is interested in boys/girls clothing sizes newborn and up to 7(girls) and 4(boys) let me know!!

-continue working with Carter on reading…I feel like such a slacker because when Kaleigh was little, I started teaching her to read around the age of 3 1/2-4  so she was well advanced when she entered kindergarten.  Ive just now started with Carter, but he catches on quick and has been doing a great job!

-go bowling with some *adult* friends on Saturday!  We dont get to get out much so this is always exciting!  Fun night!  🙂

-put some things on craig’s list to get rid of!



-get all information together for the intro class I will be holding in the near future!  If you are interested, let me know! 🙂    worked on it, just need to finish it.

-put packages together for gymnastics portraits Im going to do for Kaleigh’s gym at the end of summer    worked on it, just need to finish it.

-business meeting on Sunday

-continue working on the sample album that I randomly started last night. 🙂

-record mileage and expenses for last week

-dive into PASS and begin implementing this great feature into my workflow  YAY!


And, this week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:



-Carter’s first soccer practice…it was officially supposed to be last week but it rained and it looks like his practice this week may be rained out as well 🙁

-Carter’s first soccer game(although the kids havent had a single practice lol)

-deliver girl scout cookies



-start prepping for wedding season coming up!

-email my March and April brides for timelines 🙂

-get all information together for the intro class I will be holding in the near future!  If you are interested, let me know! 🙂

-put packages together for gymnastics portraits Im going to do for Kaleigh’s gym at the end of summer


Ok, off to start the daily tasks…hope everyone has a great Monday!