Manic Monday!

WOW!  What a beautiful weekend we had!  It makes me so excited for spring to finally be here!  I really hope that it continues to stay warm because I am ready for spring!  Just having the kids be able to play outside was such a nice change and I know they really enjoyed it….and despite feeling under the weather(not sure if it was allergies or just a cold) I am ready for the warm weather. 🙂  We had a pretty fun weekend(the kids did anyway!)  Jay and I did a lot of things that we have been slacking on so it felt good to get those things out of the way.

Friday after school, we went over to our neighbor’s, Carri and Eric’s, for a play date with the kids.  I told Carri that my two ask for a play date with them every. single. day.  No lie.  I dont know why they havent given up on asking lol!  They were overjoyed to finally be able to play with their two friends.  Carter has been calling Emmons his ” ‘half-brother’ and pretty soon he is going to be his real brother”  haha  Im sure he picked that up from Kaleigh.  After, Kaleigh and I headed to the Steward School with her girl scout troop to see The Sound of Music by CYT.  I have nothing but great things to say about this theater program.  The kids are so talented and it is such an honor to watch them perform.  We have been to a few plays over the years and it is never a disappointment.  This was a particularly special play to Kaleigh because she has loved The Sound of Music since she was about 2 so she was thrilled to see it live.  The only downside was that it was pretty long and being that it was a Friday night…after a long week…we both were exhausted and didnt get home until 11:00!  Saturday, Carter met his soccer coach…he is every excited to being playing again and was happy to see that one of his friends from last season is on his team again.  I cant wait to watch him play this spring…he is naturally good(Im sure he gets this from Jay haha)  But more importantly, he has so much fun and has a smile from ear to ear every time he is on the field.  Saturday afternoon Jay and I did some cleaning, painting, and other things we have been procrastinating and then Kaleigh went to her friends house to spend the night.  Yesterday was a coffee drinking, pancake making, grocery shopping, playground playing, shower taking, chocolate cake eating sort of day haha.  We took advantage of the warm weather and the kids stayed outside most of the day.

A few of side notes….

Poor Carter has been sick recently.  We picked up some cough medicine from the store on Wednesday and he had a severe allergic reaction to it.  VERY scary….welps all over his face, rash all over the body.  Thankfully, it came and went pretty quickly, but it was scary.  We now have to get him tested to see what he is allergic to.

How did I ever drink coffee from anything other than freshly ground coffee beans?!?!  It makes SUCH a difference!!  My life has changed for the better lol!

I am FINALLY making progress on my bedroom, thanks to my husband who has been doing ALL of the painting(walls and furniture) and to my sister, Kristin, who has helped me get rid of things that I should have a LONG time ago!  We still have a ways to go, but it is looking so pretty!  I cant wait to show the reveal! 🙂

Kaleigh made the honor roll(no surprise haha) woo-hoo!

Girl scout cookies are still for sale!  Contact me to purchase them!

I think Carter should have been born a different time era.  I dont know where he gets this stuff but he is always saying things like, “Would you care to see my new jacket?”  “Ladies first…”  “That gave us a fright!”  “Here mom, these books will keep you company” “Well of course, we should…”  and so on….It sounds so funny hearing things like this come out of a 4 year old haha!  I love it!

I hate Daylight Savings time….

Ok, onto the goals….


Last week’s goals:


-get part of my room straight  Thank you Kristin! 🙂

– do all the cleaning I didnt get a chance to do this weekend!     I was consumed with trying to get my room in order, so this didnt get done 🙁

-finish painting our bedroom  Thank you Jay! 🙂

-Sound of Music play with Kaleigh and her girl scout troop on Friday  SUCH a great play!  If you have never been to a  CYT production, you must go!  These kids are amazingly talented and it is always such a joy to watch their performances.  I wish Kaleigh would be interested, but she isnt

-Meet the Coach Day with Carter on Saturday  He was SO excited that he finally got his favorite color jersey(blue!)  Go Aliens!!!



-record expenses and mileage

-organize inbox and reply to emails

-get all information together for the intro class I will be holding in the near future!  If you are interested, let me know! 🙂  (Ive started this, but havent finished!)

-put packages together for gymnastics portraits Im going to do for Kaleigh’s gym at the end of summer        (Ive started this but havent finished!)

-send out consent forms for mini sessions to those who have confirmed dates and times  

This week’s goals:


-go to Goodwill to drop off THREE trash bags full of clothes that I am getting rid of….I dont have a problem with spending money, I have a problem with hanging on to things(MUCH of what I am getting rid of is from my high school days!!!)  Sad I know!

-do all the cleaning I didnt get a chance to do this weekend!

-take Kaleigh and Carter’s clothes to the second hand shop….if ANYONE is interested in boys/girls clothing sizes newborn and up to 7(girls) and 4(boys) let me know!!

-continue working with Carter on reading…I feel like such a slacker because when Kaleigh was little, I started teaching her to read around the age of 3 1/2-4  so she was well advanced when she entered kindergarten.  Ive just now started with Carter, but he catches on quick and has been doing a great job!

-go bowling with some *adult* friends on Saturday!  We dont get to get out much so this is always exciting!

-put some things on craig’s list to get rid of!



-get all information together for the intro class I will be holding in the near future!  If you are interested, let me know! 🙂

-put packages together for gymnastics portraits Im going to do for Kaleigh’s gym at the end of summer

-business meeting on Sunday

-continue working on the sample album that I randomly started last night. 🙂

-record mileage and expenses for last week

-dive into PASS and begin implementing this great feature into my workflow


Hope you all have a great Monday!