Manic Monday!

Happy Monday!  🙂  So, today is a holiday for Kaleigh so we are going to take the day and just hang out!  No errands, no running around….just simply staying around the house…I say that now but I know when tomorrow rolls around and the kids are driving me nuts we will have to get out of the house haha!  So, maybe a trip to the bowling alley 🙂

We had a pretty good weekend.  The Valentine’s Day and anniversary festivities continued and we went out to eat with Nana and Papa at Outback on Friday.  No cooking for me, yay!  Saturday evening Jay and I went out to eat for our anniversary since our plans to go out of town changed and then headed to his brother Will’s apartment to celebrate his birthday.  It was a fun night, but we stayed up way too late and I paid for it yesterday.  I was SO tired and useless!  Im just glad I got all the cleaning done Saturday so I was able to allow myself to be lazy.  I am so thankful that I can mentally be able to take weekends and relax because I know that soon enough I will be photographing weddings and I wont have weekends for a while!

FYI, if you have never been to Edo’s Squid before in Richmond, you HAVE to try it!  Definitely make reservations in advance because it stays packed and even when you make the reservations you may have to wait, but it is SO worth it!  It quickly became my favorite restaurant and I LOVE everything about it!  You wouldnt think that its that great based on the location and how it looks(like a hole in the wall haha) but I just love the atmosphere and of course the food is beyond amazing.  I always get the eggplant parmesan and I love it but when I tried Jay’s dish on Saturday the flavor was so amazing so that is the dish Im getting next time we go(which is very soon I hope lol)

Like I said before, I was really lazy Sunday and basically did NOTHING!  Well, I cant say that, but it felt like I did nothing haha!  I finished editing my  bridal session, did some light cleaning and wrote the blog entry for today, but that was it.


Last week’s goals:


-make teachers and Kaleigh and Carter’s valentines

-my anniversary! (9 years on the 14th!!!)

-Nana and Papa’s anniversary dinner(they share the same anniversary as we do)

-weekend getaway to celebrate our nine years together!      Well….plans were changed and we had to cancel our reservations 🙁  They are made for April now(so sad we have to plan that far in advance lol)  But we did get to go out for dinner at least! 🙂

-sell more girl scout cookies(we did NOT sell nearly as many as last year…Ive got to step up my game!)

-blog Valentine’s Day shoot with the kids 🙂



-catch up on emails

-edit bridal session and church photos

-set up a potential client meeting

-meeting with my lovely March bride 🙂  Yay!  So excited for their wedding! 🙂

-photographer’s group outing 🙂

 -finish filling out all of my tax papers!


This week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:


-parent/teacher conference with Kaleigh’s teacher

-tea with Carly and Leah at the Jefferson(this is our third attempt to do this lol)

-Mary Poppins play on Sunday

-schedule a girls day with Kaleigh(we dont get much one on one time together)



-meeting with Angela and Joe(prospective clients) 🙂

-attend lighting course on Tuesday

-record mileage and expenses

-send off tax stuff


Hope you all have a great week!