Manic Monday!

What a whirlwind of a weekend!  The last two weekends have been pretty stress free and this weekend was jam-packed!  But it was all fun stuff so Im not complaining!  🙂  Friday evening we did the usual….pizza night and board games.  We played Candyland, Connect 4, and Valentine BINGO.  Game night can either go really well or not well at all.  Depending on the mood and how tired the kids are…its either a lot of fun or ends with crying and “time to go to bed” lol.  Sometimes it seems easier to pop in a movie, especially at the end of the week when everyone just needs a break!  Most of the time, we do movie night on Fridays but we decided to try and switch it up.  🙂

Saturday I made the kids hear shaped pancakes with m&ms….very yummy!!  We played around the house most of the morning and then headed over to my dad’s to make Valentine’s Day cookies!  This weekend was filled with lots of fun Valentine’s activities because I know that(sadly) the week will be just too busy to celebrate 🙁  The kids had a great time decorating their cookies together.  Later, we went to Kaleigh and Carter’s cousin Madison’s 19th birthday and after, Kaleigh and I picked up her friend and her mom and headed to Virginia Beach!  It was a reaallly long day and driving to VA Beach late at night was tiring, but I am SO glad we left the night before.  The girls had to be at the gym by 8:00 am so being able to wake up and eat the continental breakfast before and driving 2 miles to the gym was such a great feeling lol!  It was a fun little girls getaway and they had a blast!  It was non stop giggling the entire time!  I am so proud of Kaleigh and how well she has done this competition season!  She got second all-around this weekend and although she was disappointed, I was thrilled!  The last meet she got 1st all-around so I think she had the expectation that she would get first again…hopefully it was a good learning experience…you cant win em’ all!  🙂

After we got back home, I had about an hour to relax before heading out again for a birthday party for Carter’s preschool friend at AMF bowling!  They had such a great time!  Friends, bowling, pizza, cake, ice cream, and cupcakes..what more could you ask for!?!?  The day didnt end there!  We met up with Ginny and Rick at Outback to eat dinner and then it was finally time to go home for the night.  What a LONG and FUN day!  As much as I would have loved to have flopped on the couch and do nothing at all, I knew I needed to get started on answering all the emails I didnt get a chance to all weekend and begin uploading photos from my bridal session.  So I spent the rest of the evening(and early part of the morning) working.  Whew!

Below are some photos from our trip to Great Wolf Lodge:


You can also view our awesome video below:


Our Trip to Great Wolf Lodge

I’d like to say that this week will be less hectic but it wont haha!  There are lots of fun happenings this week, but I do have a lot of catching up to do because I didnt get much done this weekend. :/  So we’ll start with the goals from last week….


Last week’s goals:


-Kaleigh’s talent show on Tuesday

-painting our bedroom….well, we bought the paint…that counts right??

-finish up the personal project 🙂

-two birthday parties this weekend

-Kaleigh’s meet in VA beach 2nd place all-around!!  🙂



-bridal shoot on Friday!

-sign up for CPS and send lens off!

-record miles and expenses

-mini photo shoot for Northminster 🙂


This week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:


-make teachers and Kaleigh and Carter’s valentines

-my anniversary! (9 years on the 14th!!!)

-Nana and Papa’s anniversary dinner(they share the same anniversary as we do)

-weekend getaway to celebrate our nine years together!

-sell more girl scout cookies(we did NOT sell nearly as many as last year…Ive got to step up my game!)

-blog Valentine’s Day shoot with the kids 🙂



-catch up on emails

-edit bridal session and church photos

-set up a potential client meeting

-meeting with my lovely March bride 🙂

-photographer’s group outing 🙂

-finish filling out all of my tax papers!


Happy Monday!  Hope its a great week for you all! 🙂