Manic Monday

Before I begin Manic Monday I just want to say a few words in regards to the recent events.  I know how much this has shocked us as a country, but I cannot even begin to imagine what the families and loved ones in CT are going through right now.  Every second of every minute of every day they spend in anguish and heartache.  I keep thinking to myself, I have kids this age and I have no idea what I would do if I were in their situation.  I just cannot fathom it.  I have no words.

Before Friday, the thought of anything like that happening at Kaleigh’s school never crossed my mind.  Seeing her leave this morning scared me.  As a parent, I should not have to fear sending my child to school, but this morning as she left her home with smiles, I was left with uncertainty and the feeling of helplessness. Today I have a new appreciation and respect for teachers and faculty because they truly do everything in their power to help protect our children.  Thank you to all those who protect our children and our country each and every day.

Today I will wear green and white to honor the victims and their families.  I will send a card to them to express my condolences.  I will donate money to help these families during this difficult time.  I will do everything that I can to show that I care and that my heart if broken and that I grieve alongside them.  In the end though, there is nothing that anyone can do to fill the hole that will forever remain in their hearts.  Please pray for those families, the children, faculty, and all involved in the tragedy, their community, and our country.

Honestly, this feels so mundane to write, but I want to maintain some normalcy.  So here is a recap of our weekend.  Friday afternoon we left to visit my mom in North Carolina.  We spent the weekend there with her and the kids had a great time visiting and having an early Christmas with her.  It was a relaxing time, especially knowing that this week will be super busy!  I cannot believe that in exactly one week’s time it will be Christmas Eve.  This month went by entirely too fast!  In just a matter of weeks it will be 2013.  The start of a new year!  This week will be spent baking, last minute Christmas shopping, and just trying to spend quality time with the family despite the rush of this season.  I hope that everyone can take some time to slow down and remember what is most important during this time of year.  Its so easy to fall into the busyness of the season, but now, especially, take the time to be with family and let everyone around you know that they are important and loved.  Hope everyone has a great week!

Last week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:


-order instagram book just did it! 🙂

-attend Carter’s Christmas sing-a-long

-continue Christmas shopping and start wrapping!

-Book fair with Kaleigh and her winter play performance

-lunch with Kaleigh one day

-visit my mom for the weekend

-visit Santa and get pictures taken

-take car to shop

-send off Christmas cards!



-blog mini sessions

-client meeting

-package and send off client orders

-order new SD cards

-send lens(es) off for a cleaning

-sign up for CPS

-begin learning LR

-track expenses and miles


This week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:


-Kaleigh and Carter’s school Christmas parties!   On the same day!  Ahh!

-make Christmas presents for teachers

-Christmas shopping for family

-straighten up the house

-call dentist for Kaleigh(she chipped her tooth over the weekend)

-celebrate Nana’s birthday on Tuesday

-plan fun things for the kids during Christmas break

-see ” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” play on Saturday



-catch up on emails


-order new SD cards

-send lens(es) off for a cleaning

-sign up for CPS

-begin making sample album

-begin learning lightroom