Manic Monday!

WOW!  What a crazy last couple of weeks it has been!  I am still struggling to catch up from being away for vacation…and it will probably take me a couple more weeks to finally get in the swing of things again.

So a little recap from our weekend a couple of weeks ago…Kaleigh competed in her first gymnastics meet and she did an amazing job.  She wasnt nervous at all and had a big smile on her face the whole time.  She ended up getting 1st place on floor, 2nd on??, 4th on ??, 2nd on??, and 2nd all-around!  Id say that is pretty awesome for her first meet!  Sadly, I cant remember her places on the other events….most likely due to the fact that Carter was climbing all over me and I could not concentrate….ahhh….kids 🙂  Her next meet is not until January, but I am already looking forward to it!  We also went to the fall festival at her school and that is always a good time.  We spent the whole day out and were exhausted when we got home…our plans to relax quickly changed when we learned that our cruise was leaving a day early.  We had to scramble to get all of our things packed and hit the road!  It was a LONG day!

Im not sure if you all know, but we actually went on a cruise during Hurricane Sandy…we were the ones on the news if you saw…yep…we sailed right through the storm and it was ROUGH.  I was uncertain when we left if we had  made the right decision by going, but things worked out great and my dad said we made history lol!  Unfortunately, everyone did not feel well during the first couple of days, but we managed to get through it!  It was so nice getting to spend a few days in a bathing suit soaking up the sun!  It was NOT fun coming home to 20 degree weather.  I think I spent about 90% of the time eating lol but it was a relaxing time.  I didnt have access to the internet for 6 days and had a little anxiety about that.  It felt really weird not being connected to the world, but it was a good weird. 🙂  The kids had a BLAST.  They loved exploring the ship, swimming in the pool, sleeping in their bunk beds, watching the entertainment shows, and attending the kids program.  They made friends, sang karaoke, and enjoyed every moment of the vacation.  Carter stole the show from a couple of comedians…he isnt shy at all and just decided that he wanted to be on stage telling jokes.  We have some pretty funny video footage to help preserve those memories.  We weren’t here for Halloween but the kids didnt seem to mind at all and now I dont have to worry about eating all of their Halloween candy. 🙂

This weekend was Carter’s last soccer game.  He did a great job as usual and the boys were all so excited to get their trophies.  Jay is planning a pizza party this week for the team so we are looking forward to that!  I had a wedding Saturday and the weather was BEAUTIFUL.  I really wish we could have a few more days like that.  Sunday I spent the day at Maymont doing my mini sessions…those will be coming to the blog soon!  It was a weekend filled with shooting, but I am so thankful for the gorgeous weather we had.  OK!  Ive rambled on entirely too long, so onto the goals!

Prior goals:


-pack, pack, pack

-clean, clean clean

-get excited for Carter’s soccer game and Kaleigh’s first competition on Saturday

-have a fun time at the fall festival on Saturday

-new locks for doors

-put Kaleigh’s fall clothes in drawers


-have lunch with Kaleigh



-prepare for an awesome family shoot today

-edit, edit, edit

-blog Jennifer and Luke’s wedding

-upload galleries

-prepare for an awesome engagement shoot and a special birthday shoot on Friday

-order new cards

-free up space on laptop

-post Manic Monday’s earlier!


This week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:



-catch up on laundry and clean my house!

-start working on our Christmas cards!

-read at Carter’s school and have fun at his Thanksgiving Feast!! 🙂

-Barnes and Noble school night with a performance from Kaleigh’s class and pizza party for Carter’s soccer team

-start working out again!….vacation threw me off!



-order new cards

-send lens off to get fixed

-EDIT…..LOTS of good things coming to the blog soon! 🙂

-email clients

-send out client packages

-schedule client ordering sessions

-newborn session today!


Have a great Monday everyone!