Manic Monday!

What a fun weekend we had!  Friday we celebrated a friend’s birthday at our house complete with silly string haha!  The kids had a blast squirting everyone….but my floors the next day were terrible haha!  Saturday we went to Carter’s soccer game where he scored three or four goals!  It was a great game to watch, both teams were really going for the ball so it was intense. 🙂  After, we went out to brunch at Cracker Barrel.  We havent been out to eat breakfast in SO long and it was delicious!  But I have to remember to stay away from that place around this time of year!  They already have their Halloween AND Christmas(my two favorite holidays!) so it was tough having self control!  Later that day, I took the kids to do their Halloween shoot(cant wait to show the pictures!)  I am so excited about their costume choices this year…they always seem to pick out costumes that match their personalities.  THEN, Rick took the kids and Jay and I went to James River Winery where we experienced our FIRST wine tasting!  It was so much fun and I cant wait to do it again. 🙂  We ended up buying four bottles….probably not the best thing for our  budget, but we let ourselves splurge. 🙂  It was still really early by the time we finished so we decided to meet some friends downtown for dinner.  It was such a fun, busy day for everyone.  I still can’t believe that fall is here and I am loving every minute of it!  Sunday we did a lot of cleaning up around the house before heading to the pumpkin patch.  We got some really great pumpkins this year so if anyone is looking to go, NOW is the time!  Last year, we had slim pickings and it wasnt as enjoyable for the kids.  This year though there were SO many to choose from and the kids has a blast!  We got a good variety too….green, orange, and one of my absolute favorites…speckled orange and green!! Yay! 🙂  That was about it for our weekend, I think everyone was exhausted by the end of the day.

As if the weekend wasnt busy enough, today we are going to the fair!  I have been out of the house all day and am just now sitting to write this post and then off again to get everything together for the busyness of this afternoon!  We love going each year and was thrilled to hear that they were having it this year(not sure if everyone knows about the bankruptcy) but only up until a couple of months ago did they know we would have a state fair.  Ive heard they dont have as much as the normally do, but hopefully next year will be like the others.

Ok, onto the goals:


Last week’s goals:


-get some rest so I can start feeling better

-decorate for Halloween

-schedule a day to go to the Pumpkin Patch

-order the kid’s Halloween costumes so I can take photos of them! 🙂

-put all summer clothes away and take out fall clothes!

-girls night!



-blog Jay and Brittany’s wedding


-install lightroom and all programs on my new laptop

-send out client packages

-record expenses and mileage

-product photography shoot on Saturday!  Rescheduled!


This week’s goals:


-continue working out….Im feeling GREAT!

-have a fun time at the FAIR today!!!

-continue editing personal photos(including the Halloween shoot)

-order some prints for the fall

-take out all fall clothes for Kaleigh

-have lunch with Kaleigh at school  Did that today! 🙂



-blog Tori and Peter’s wedding

-put 3 albums on facebook

-learn lightroom

-record mileage and expenses

-upload photos and cull from Jennifer and Luke’s wedding

-get excited to shoot a wedding with Stephanie on Saturday!

-send out client package

-upload client images online


Hope everyone has a fantastic week!  🙂