Manic Monday!

Good morning everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend. 🙂  Other than the wedding I had yesterday, this weekend was pretty uneventful for us!  I did meet with my beautiful April bride on Friday and then Saturday I spent the day with my aunt(who flew in from Florida) and grandmother.  I haven’t done anything like that in years haha so it was a nice change.  Normally if I go out with a friend it is for dinner…I feel guilty if I take away time from family during the day so I normally don’t do anything like that.  It was a nice change though…made me feel like my own self! 🙂  Jay and I decided to introduce the kids to the classic movies Back to the Future.  I was excited because I LOVE these films, but I didn’t realize how many curse words are used during the movie. :/ Anyway, Sunday I shot a wedding at the Jasmine Plantation and it was beautiful!  I loved working with Tori and Peter and can’t wait to share the images from their wedding day!  This week is going to be a pretty hectic week with all the packing, cleaning, shooting, editing, and agendas for getting ready for school!  Im trying to take it one day at a time and keep reminding myself that I will get what I can get done and that is all I can do!   With that being said, here is a recap of last weeks goals:



-unpack and clean

-get organized!  3rd grade and pre-school are approaching fast and I need to get all my paperwork, physicals, etc filled out and ready to go!

-finish Kaleigh and Carter’s school shopping!

-edit family photos(Ive got SO many that I am behind on…but I am GOING to edit at least a few of the ones Beth took!)

-get ready for CES(Camp Evening Shade) for Kaleigh’s girl scouts

-get back into a routine of exercising!

-do something FUN with the kids…and really BE there with them.  Get involved!



-get ready for Coleson’s 6 month shoot!  Cancelled again because of rain!

-catch up on emails

-record expenses and miles

-edit bridals and wedding photos

-blog Josh and Erin’s wedding!    TODAY!

-send client packages

-meet with my April bride 🙂 Thank you Monica! 🙂

-get excited for my August 19th wedding!  so beautiful! 🙂


And for this week’s goals:



-pack for the beach and clean

-get organized!  3rd grade and pre-school are approaching fast and I need to get all my paperwork, physicals, etc filled out and ready to go!

-finish Kaleigh and Carter’s school shopping today!

-edit family photos(Ive got SO many that I am behind on…but I am GOING to edit at least a few of the ones Beth took!)

-get back into a routine of exercising!  Not sure if this is going to happen or not…may have to wait until September when the kids go to school!

-do something FUN with the kids…if this doesn’t happen this week, we have all week at the beach next week!



-get ready for TWO  6 month sessions

-catch up on emails

-record expenses and miles

-edit bridals and wedding photos

-send client packages


Whew!  I may not be ready for this week, but here we go!  And THIS is the reason my Monday blog posts are titled Manic Monday haha!