Manic Monday!

Good morning everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend. 🙂  I have so much to tell you all!  We went to visit our friends, the Harris Family in Kentucky this past weekend and originally, I had planned to take my work with me(editing during the 6 hour drive).  Well, my plan quickly changed when the inverter I bought(to plug in my laptop to the car charger) did not work.  At first I was a little frustrated, but it ended up playing to my benefit. 🙂  If I had to pick a weekend where I gave myself a 100% complete break from work, it was this weekend.  I cannot even begin to describe how freeing it was to not worry about ANYTHING!  We spent the weekend boating, picnicking, climbing and throwing rocks, exploring caves, eating frozen yogurt(thank you Sean and Beth!), swimming, playing at the playground, and of course, taking photos! 😉  It was such a wonderful break from reality and we all had a blast!  Even the little things like the amazingly comfortable bed, the yummy breakfast and coffee in the hotel lobby each morning, the awesome BBQ restaurant(best BBQ Ive ever had!) ……the FUNNY things that happened like when it POURED about 10 minutes after we got out on the lake, Carter and Dylan taking their shorts off to play in the creek, the hilarious things the kids would say(too many to name haha!), laughing at Carter’s facial expressions from our photo shoot, my new obsession with Angry Birds…..Kaleigh getting attached to sweet Landry(she is now obsessed with having a baby sister!) and EVEN the not so fun things like filling up the van with gas($100!!), Carter getting a big chunk of wood in his foot(no really, you couldn’t call this thing a was bad!), bickering during the car drive……it ALL made for a memorable weekend getaway!  Im sad that the Harris family is so far away, but we are making it a point to see each other at least once a year!  Thank you Harris family for inviting us and showing our family all the great things to do in Kentucky and thank you Roark family for opening your home to us!  It was great seeing everyone and we can’t wait to hang out again!  🙂

After such an eventful weekend, I knew I had a lot to come home to.  I can already feel the anxiousness inside, but I am going to do my best to take it one day at a time!  I can only do but so much in a day and this weekend really made me realize just how much of this summer has been dedicated to work and not family time 🙁  I do realize I have a business to run, but it is so difficult to set limits when I “work from home.”  Sadly, it is the most important people in my life who suffer the most when I choose work first.  I am going to end the summer on a good note and try to balance life a little better.

Ok!  Onto the goals…..


Last week’s goals:


-pack for Kentucky!  SO excited to visit Beth and her family for a long weekend! 🙂

-clean, clean, clean!



-get ready for a fun 6 month shoot on Wednesday  Poor Coleson was sick so we rescheduled! 🙂

-send out client package

-schedule ordering session(hopefully before I leave)

-record expenses/mileage

-place client orders

-blog Josh and Erin’s wedding(I am REALLY going to try to make this happen!)

-order new business cards, thank you cards, address labels, and stickers  This wasn’t originally on the list, but I did it 🙂


This week’s goals:


-unpack and clean

-get organized!  3rd grade and pre-school are approaching fast and I need to get all my paperwork, physicals, etc filled out and ready to go!

-finish Kaleigh and Carter’s school shopping!

-edit family photos(Ive got SO many that I am behind on…but I am GOING to edit at least a few of the ones Beth took!)

-get ready for CES(Camp Evening Shade) for Kaleigh’s girl scouts

-get back into a routine of exercising!

-do something FUN with the kids…and really BE there with them.  Get involved!



-get ready for Coleson’s 6 month shoot!

-catch up on emails

-record expenses and miles

-edit bridals and wedding photos

-blog Josh and Erin’s wedding!

-send client packages

-meet with my April bride 🙂

-get excited for my August 19th wedding!


Phew!  That is a BIG list this week!  Ive got my work cut out for me. 🙂  Hope everyone has a great week!