Manic Monday!

Good morning everyone!!  I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!  The weather was beautiful, and it felt so nice during the evening!  I know I am kind of behind in work right now, but it felt great to have a couple of nights where I didnt do ANYTHING!  That doesnt happen very often, and sadly, I do work on the weekends, so breaks from work dont come around very often.  That is the one bad thing about owning your own business….YOU have to determine your work schedule….and if you dont give yourself time off, who will!??!  It is hard for me to feel like I can take a break….if I am not working all the time I feel guilty!  But I am learning that I NEED breaks or I will start to become overwhelmed!  With that being said, after a somewhat busy week(Kaleigh went to VBS….Carter was supposed to, but he didnt like it and I didnt have the heart to make him go, so he stayed with me all week!)  My goal was to get a lot done with the three free hours, however, plans didnt work out so I did not get much accomplished at all. 🙁  BUT, it was still a busy week nonetheless between play dates, sleep overs, running to and from VBS, etc!  I need to keep in mind that this will not last forever and there will come a day when I want nothing more than to have a house full of crazy kids(I already get really sad knowing that Carter will soon be in preschool!)

SO!  This past weekend I decided that I needed a break.  The majority of my weekends have been filled with weddings since April and I havent had much family time….let alone any downtime for myself!  So, Friday evening my father in law, Rick, took the kids to see a movie and Jay and I went to the gun range and dinner.  I never thought in a million years that I would shoot a gun, but I did and I loved it!  I admit, I was really weary about the whole thing and didnt really know why I agreed to it, but I am glad I did.  🙂  We had dinner at one of my favorite restaurants, Edo’s Squid(if you’ve never been, you HAVE to try it!)  My favorite is the eggplant parmesan!  After, we hung out with a few friends and then headed back home for the night.  Saturday we made plans to go to the Tomato Festival, but with all the rain, we decided against going and instead, just stayed at home and hung out.  And yesterday we did some major cleaning, organizing, email answering, editing, and swimming! 😛

Side note, I totally had a photo that I was going to include, but photoshop crashed and didnt save my collage…boo!!!  Better luck next time…what is it with things crashing on me these days?!?!


Last week’s goals:


-blog a personal session

-finish my book that I started Divergent Finished the book and started the sequel 🙂

-order mini albums from a recent shoot and birthday albums(better late than never)  still working on the birthday albums!

-start planning our family photos

-workout 3 times

-have a girls night??



-continue trying to fix the problem with my external hard drive connecting to Time Machine ever since the tornado came through and screwed it up!  Ughh!!  Went to Geek Squad, they couldnt fix the problem….called another service…the estimated amount to fix it will be between $800-$5,000!!!!!!!  This is NOT good!

-back up files and clear space on my computer after the first bullet has been accomplished

-follow up on emails and clean out inbox

-edit portrait, bridal, and wedding photos

-blog 1-2 sessions this week

-be better about getting Manic Monday blogged sooner!


This week’s goals:


-continue reading my book Insurgent

-finish the birthday albums and order them!

-blog about Kaleigh and Carter’s birthdays!

-plan family photos


-girls night?

-do at least ONE fun thing(that is out of the ordinary) with the kids….suggestions??



-meet with a beautiful couple on Tuesday!

-have an awesome family session on Wednesday!

-get ready for an amazing wedding this Friday!!

-edit portrait, bridal, and wedding photos

-blog 1-2 sessions this week

-decide what I am going to do with the files I need to recover

-back up current files(twice!)


That is  A LOT to look up to…especially after not having a great “goal setting” week last week!  Lets hope this one is amore successful and here’s to reaching your goals! 🙂  Happy Monday everyone!