Happy 5th Birthday Carter!

I cannot believe my baby boy is five years old today!  WHERE did the time go??!  He has grown so much and has the sweetest and funniest personality.  I love this kid to death!  We’ve got a special day planned for his birthday today…chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast, then its off to Jumpology for some bouncing.  After, we are going to pick up some lunch and meet with Kaleigh at her school so he can see her for a little while and then we are going to Toys R Us!  After Jay gets home, we are going to head out to the Flying Squirrels game, and if we can make it through the game, there will be fireworks!  I think I am as excited as he is about tomorrow(other than the fact that he is growing up!!)  You can see just how much he has grown from his last birthday!  Five is such a big milestone in so many ways.  I think the biggest one is that he isn’t a baby anymore….he is a KID!!  As much as I hate to think that, its the truth.  And he REALLY wants to be a big boy.  I keep telling him that he cant grow anymore…he isnt allowed to lol!  His response is always, “Mom, I cant help it, I have to grow.”  He wants to be big like his sister…:) …It is also a big milestone because he will start kindergarten in the fall.  This is when there will be a big change in him.  He will be around other kids his age ALL day.  I wont be his sidekick anymore and he wont have the influence(and unconditional love) to shelter him all day…and that scares me.  He will learn so many great things, but he will also learn some not so great things and there will be influences on him in this outside world that can be so cruel sometimes.  He is such a sweet boy and I hate to think that that innocence will slowly be taken away.  Right now, I am his everything…his best friend…his biggest fan.  Over time I know that will change, but he will ALWAYS be my baby and I will always and forever be his biggest fan.

And now a little note to the birthday boy….Happy Birthday Carter Boy!  You are such a sweet, loving, and kind human being.  You wear your heart on your sleeve and I am in constant awe of your natural ability to love so effortlessly and am so proud of you!  I have loved each and every moment of these last five years that I have spent with you.  I will miss you dearly when you go to school but I am so happy and excited for you.  I know how much you are looking forward to it and I will embrace every growth and change that comes your way.  And just like you always say to me, I love you allllll the way to heaven and back again!

My friend sent me this article that I found to be tear jerking….its so true!  Its about being five, so its very fitting for today.  🙂

Below is Carter’s 5 year photo shoot! 🙂


  • May 31, 2013 - 1:58 PM

    Kayla - Love it!! We are going to the Squirrels game tonight too! 🙂 Maybe we will see yall. Happy Birthday to Mr. Carter.ReplyCancel

    • May 31, 2013 - 5:10 PM

      Ashley - Fun!! I hope we see you guys! Thank you for the birthday wishes! 🙂ReplyCancel