What a FUN trip this was! We began this camping tradition last year when we went to Camp Evening Shade and this year we did Triple C. I have to say, Triple C was definitely a lot different than last year! Last year, we did all of the cooking, cleaning, dish washing, and sleeping outside in a tent sort of deal while this year it was a bit more relaxing. We had a camp guide there who helped the girls do ALL of the cooking, cleaning, etc so the moms just got to hang out and relax. It was a nice change, especially on Mother’s Day weekend!! We all got to sleep in one big room so that was a lot of fun as well. I think the girls all had a wonderful time…Im curious to know if they would like to visit CES or Triple C next year haha! I definitely think it was a good learning experience for them all. And I didnt hear any complaining about the work AT ALL. That is unheard of in my house lol! They were very polite and well mannered and I couldnt have asked for a better experience.
When we arrived Friday evening, the girls all played for a little while and we set up our sleeping bags on the cots and then headed down to the campfire for dinner. The girls partnered up and were given certain jobs for making dinner(cheeseburgers, hotdogs, veggies, and potato fries) and the moms talked, took pictures and relaxed. 🙂 After, the girls all bridged(this was their second year as daisies and they have since then moved up to Juniors!) Yay! They were very excited about this…not sure if it was due to the new vests they received or what haha! We then took a little tour of the campground…its so cute and perfect for a group camping trip btw! The girls were both excited and grossed out when they witnessed one of the lizards?? eat a bug! We ended the night by the campfire roasting marshmallows. Unfortunately, it did not last very long because the wind started picking up and then the rain came!
When we woke up the next morning, the sky wasnt looking too promising, but we all geared up for canoeing. The girls helped prepare breakfast(bagels, cantaloupe, sausage, hard boiled eggs, coffee, etc) and then we were off to the lake for canoeing! Thankfully, the rain held off and they all had a wonderful time! After, we had a picnic lunch…sadly, I had to leave before the trip was over(engagement session in Williamsburg!) but the girls all enjoyed a hike, sprinklers and other fun activities before heading home. All in all, it was a great experience for everyone and I cant wait to do it again!
Preparing dinner…
Cooking dinner!
Preparing breakfast…
Ashley Glasco Photography - […] -Kaleigh’s girl scout camping trip on Friday SO much fun! I blogged about it, if you missed it, you can view it here! […]