Manic Monday | Personal and Business Goals

Good morning!  I hope everyone had a fun, relaxing 4th of July!  Our holiday was VERY low key this year….we didnt even leave the house and pretty much just lounged around the entire weekend!  The kids had a blast with the fireworks we picked up at South of the Border last Christmas and we celebrated the 4th with burgers, fireworks and music!  I didnt even bring my camera out for pictures(that probably sounds bad, but it was nice to be “off” this weekend!)  I did manage to get a few photos with my phone which are below!  What did everyone do for the 4th?  I would love to hear about it! 🙂

I know its only Monday, but this week has already started out rough. 🙁  Hence why this post is just now getting blogged!  The kids….well, Carter, started summer camp today!  Kaleigh, unfortunately has poison ivy which has spread into her eye(poor thing!) so she is unable to go to camp today….not sure if she will be able to go at all, but I am taking her to the doctor this afternoon so hopefully we can get her on some medication!  I had big plans to do a lot of work(for business and house) but its just not looking that way for this week.  Oh well, such is life!  Just hoping to get some of the goals mentioned below accomplished!  Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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Last week’s goals:


-clean downstairs and put party decorations away

-decorate for the 4th of July

-blog Kaleigh’s party

-kids yearly check up

-celebrate the 4th of July!



-continue editing Kelly and Ryan’s wedding

-begin editing Seth and Kara’s wedding

-send bridal guide to my brides for 2016–I finally finished it yay!

-meeting with Leah for her July wedding


This week’s agenda:


-laundry and cleaning….blah!

-continue exercising!

-blog Kaleigh’s birthday party

-watch my niece Raelynn today and Tuesday



-finish editing Seth and Kara’s wedding

-blog Seth and Kara’s wedding

-wedding Saturday

-upload and send bridal guide to 2016 brides…its taking FOREVER to upload!