Manic Monday| Business Goals

Good morning everyone!  I am making this post super short because I have A LOT to get done this week!  I know everyone is busy preparing for Thanksgiving and I am SO happy to have an extended weekend with my family!  I have big goals for this week, but most of it involves family time!  🙂  Below is a sneak peek of a recent family session I did, I cant wait to share more!  HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE! 2015-11-23_0001PIN IMAGE


-help with Carter’s class on Thursday

-celebrate Jay’s birthday with bowling on Friday

-take down decorations


-lunch with Carter


-edit, edit, edit

-blog, blog blog

-session on Tuesday

-sessions on Saturday and Sunday

-record expenses and mileage


This week’s goals:


-finish decorating for Christmas

-go to Windy Knoll Farm to pick out our tree

-order a canvas from our session this fall

-download our beach session photos and order prints

-brainstorm Christmas gift ideas

-Carter’s Thanksgiving Feast at school today

-Raelynn’s photos on Tuesday

-make food for Thanksgiving

-clean the downstairs

-brunch with some friends on Sunday



-edit, edit, edit!

-blog, blog blog!

-e-session on Friday

-record expenses and mileage