Good morning my friends! What a beautiful weekend it was! I had the honor of photographing Colleen and Phillip’s wedding yesterday at the Wintergreen Resort, overlooking the beautiful mountains of Charlottesville! I am excited to share their wedding with you next week! 🙂
It was a great ending to a pretty stressful couple of days. Summer has really taken a toll on the health of our family for everyone and I am so depleted from it all. I am hoping that as the summer comes to an end, we will be free from all of the health issues we have been dealing with. The kids(especially Kaleigh) has been so good with it all-she has had it the worst by far and I just feel so bad for her! But she bounces back so quickly so I am thankful for that! And despite all of the sickness, they have managed to have a great summer! Last week, we went roller skating, to the movies, had a double night sleepover at their cousins, a play date with some friends, took a trip to Barnes and Noble and the pet store, went to Chuck E Cheese with my dad and went swimming at Nana and Papa’s house! Jay and I even managed to have dinner together TWICE last week! How I got any work done is a miracle haha! It was only towards the end of the week when things got worse….we are having MORE health issues, but I am hoping it will soon pass!
We are going to take it easy and stick around the house, mainly because it is a busy work week for me, but also to give them a chance to recover. The first part of summer, I was really busy so we were at home a lot and the kids were bored…a lot. This last month I have been trying to get out of the house with them at least once a week and its been a good change, but I have been falling behing. :/ Here’s to hoping I get a lot accomplished this week! My goals are below, but first….a preview from this awesome family’s session! More coming soon! 🙂 Happy Monday!
Last week’s goals:
-Kaleigh has “Knight” camp on Wednesday for middle school
-parent meeting for middle schoolers
-take one weekday off and do something fun with the kids
-hang out with a friend one evening–scheduled for this week!
And onto the business goals:
-blog sessions/weddings
-catch up on follow up emails
-record expenses
-book hotel for Sunday’s wedding
-send out packages to clients
-pick and deliver up photos from lab
This week’s agenda:
-Kaleigh has girl scout camp evening shade all week!
-lots of laundry
-do something fun this weekend–I have ZERO sessions/weddings this weekend! Ahhhh!
-family session today
-senior session Tuesdsay
-send off packages to clients
-blog Leah and Dwayne’s wedding
-blog family session
-follow up emails
-edit Phillip and Colleen’s wedding