Baby Theodore | Richmond Newborn Photographer

I was so excited when I received Emilie’s email that baby Theodore had been born!  Emilie contacted me back in September about a newborn shoot and I had been looking forward to our session.  As you all know, babies are on their own schedule, so this little guy waited 10 days after his due date to make his appearance in the world.  He was well worth the wait and I am sure his Mommy and Daddy are just thrilled to have him here, despite the lack of sleep they are getting. 🙂  Theodore could not be any cuter and I had such a fun time with him and Emilie during our shoot.  I always love watching when babies sleep because they make some of the adorable faces.  Theodore was no exception and he had me laughing a few times with all his cuteness!  I hope you enjoy some of my favorites from our session!  Thank you “W” family for inviting me into your home to capture the first days of your precious baby boy, it was an honor! 🙂 PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELove little baby parts… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGESo sweet! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGELove this image below… PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEHow precious! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEIm in love with this set of photos! PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGEPerfect timing for Christmas! 🙂 PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE PIN IMAGE

  • December 6, 2012 - 10:31 AM

    Hollie - What a beautiful baby! This gives me serious baby fever! Ahh!ReplyCancel

  • November 11, 2013 - 7:47 AM

    Ashley Glasco Photography - […] excited to “meet” little Theo again!  Ive only met him once before and that was at his newborn session so I couldnt wait to see how much he has changed!  Oh my goodness, he is such a cutie!  I love […]ReplyCancel