A picture is worth a thousand words….

Some of you may know that recently, my hard drive on my computer….well, it died.  This was a very upsetting matter because many of my photos live on my computer…not that they are not backed up online and through an external hard drive, but sometimes its difficult(and scary!) to delete images off of your computer that you hold dear to your heart…even if they are in a safe place elsewhere!  I have only had this happen to me once before, and it was not cheap to recover those files, but the pictures I had on there(Kaleigh’s birth through Carter’s birth….FOUR years worth of photos!)–no price tag could be put on those pictures….I would have paid anything to get them back!  So when this happened, it was a very scary and almost devastating issue!

I am writing this as my computer’s hard drive is being replaced and I can’t help but think to myself, “I hope everything on there has been backed up!”  And its funny because, I KNOW that all the images are backed up, but I guess I just have a fear of something being lost forever!  I am the same way when it comes to my phone and the pictures on it, or pictures that other people have taken of my children.  I get upset when I have gotten a new phone, but have forgotten to email myself the photos from the old phone…or when another family member takes a cute picture and I don’t have access to it!  Sometimes I feel like I have an unhealthy obsession with pictures haha!

I guess I just want to hold on to the moment forever and pictures can do that for me.  I know that it can be hard for my family to understand this sometimes because so many times I hear, “Why dont you just be in the moment?”  Well, I am in the moment, I am living it, and I am a part of it in every way…but I want…I NEED to document it because I want to forever hold on to it.  Having pictures is the only way I can do this.  When I look back at pictures taken years and years ago, I can remember exactly what was going on, how I felt, where we were, what we were doing, etc!  I dont know how, but I can!  And maybe its because of my love for photography, but I think it really has to do with the fact that I can connect the memory and emotion of the day to the photo.  I realize how MUCH pictures mean to me and I can contribute my love of photography and becoming a photographer for this reason.  I dont know how else to explain it!  It basically just comes down to this….I love life, I love my family, and I love the memories that we create.  Time slips away so quickly and taking pictures freezes time.  No matter how old I am, I can always look at a picture and go back.  The old saying holds true, “A picture is worth a thousand words.”

This brings me to my next point….I am SO grateful and honored to share my gift with others.  I am forever thankful to call what I do my job and I want to say thank you to my family, friends, and clients for trusting me to be your story teller….to be your memory keeper.  It means the world to me that you open up your lives to me and invite me in to share your most precious memories!  I am eternally grateful and you and your family hold a special place in my heart.

Lastly, I want to encourage all of you to get out your camera just once a day!  Document something!  Whether it be in nature, your children…ANYTHING!  First of all, its fun!….and second, you are creating and keeping memories alive.  Never let a moment go by that you feel isn’t “camera worthy.”  It ALL is!  Keep your camera handy at all times…you never know when a truly special moment will happen and you better be ready to catch it.  Chances are, you won’t get a second chance!

Below is a sneak peak of whats coming to the blog next week!  Enjoy the weekend everyone!





  • July 16, 2011 - 5:08 PM

    Amber - Hey Ashley. I know a hard drive dying is a HORRIBLE thing. The last one that died on me I hadn’t backed up. Where did you go to get the back up on it??? I would love to get a lot of the pictures back from the hard drive. I never threw it away just in case I found someone that could recover it. Any help would be appreciated! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • July 16, 2011 - 5:59 PM

    Ashley - Hey Amber, I took it to the Geek Squad at Best Buy! Thankfully, they were able to recover the files! If you take it there, they will let you know whether or not they are able to recover anything and give you a quote before they do it! I hope you are able to recover them, its such a bad feeling when things like this happen! 🙁ReplyCancel

  • July 17, 2011 - 10:58 AM

    Carly - Well said Ash! Love the sneak peek and can’t wait to see more. Good luck with the hard drive replacement and enjoy a fresh start and speedy new hard drive. 🙂ReplyCancel