Manic Monday!

Good morning everyone!  This past week has been a rough one for our family….the kids were both sick the entire week(really bad colds, ear infection, etc) and then to make matters worse, I caught whatever they had and starting feeling bad Friday evening.  I still am not feeling that well, but there are no sick days when you are a mommy!  Friday evening, we celebrated the end of the VBS week by watching the play that all of the children put on.  It was so cute and I love that Kaleigh and Carter had a fun week!  After, we ate ice cream and then headed home for bedtime….it was a long week!  Saturday we headed over to Duke’s house(my dad) for a swim day and cookout.  The kids love going over there during the summer to swim…Kaleigh is really doing great with her dives and front flips off of the diving board and Carter is really catching on to swimming!  He has no fear and already is jumping, diving, and doing cannonballs into the pool.  He will be a pro by the end of the summer!  We wanted to go to the drive in to see Monsters University after swimming, but it looked like the storm was going to prevent that.  We decided against driving there for it to be rained out and it actually worked out because they sold out within an hour!!!!  Sunday was a pretty packed day…Carter went to his friend Jake’s birthday party at Stevie B’s…I attended my friend Liz’s baby shower and then we went over to Duke’s again for a pool day.  When we got back home, we did some light cleaning, baths, and dinner and a movie!  We watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles(the original 1990 movie!) and the kids loved it. 🙂  I really wanted to stay up with them and watch the Super Moon, but I wasnt feeling well at all and Kaleigh had to get up early for gymnastics.  I am hoping to get over this cold quickly, but started loosing my voice last night. :/  This morning I am still not feeling well…cant decide if I should just go to the doctor or tough it out.  Currently, my voice sounds much like that of a man’s haha.  So, I think today will be one of those “take it easy” days. 🙂  Onto the goals…


Last weeks goals:



-sign the kids up for the summer reading program at the library

-sign the kids up for VBS….at one if not two local churches lol!

-edit personal photos

-do something fun with the family…its my first weekend in a LONG time that I dont have a shoot or wedding so I am looking forward to the break!  I think we may try to go to the zoo or the drive-in movie 🙂  Well, because of the rain, we held off on the drive in movie, but we did have pool day and cookout at my dads!

-send off my bills!  Ugh!  I put this off and I REALLY need to do it this week!

-start brainstorming ideas for fun things for the kids to do this summer….they cannot be bored!  They will drive me crazy lol!

-attend a birthday party for one of Carter’s friends

-attend a baby shower for my friend Liz!

-paint the back part of  my bookshelf

-paint the tree house(this has come such a long way!  I am not even sure if I have mentioned this on the blog or not, but the kids desperately want a tree house so we asked all family members to contribute monetary donations…instead of gifts!….for their birthdays this year.  Jay is almost finished building it!…photos to come soon!)

-clean my car and get my house back in order from all of these parties!

-take the numerous bags of stuff to the Goodwill!  Yay for getting rid of things!



-blog Sarah and Brian’s wedding

-catch up on emails

-write down expenses and mileage

-send out client packages

-edit Matt and Emily’s wedding

-get my things together for the fun project I am working on….

-backup computer and purge files

-send out images to all of my vendors!


This week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:


-paint the back part of  my bookshelf

-paint the tree house(this has come such a long way!  I am not even sure if I have mentioned this on the blog or not, but the kids desperately want a tree house so we asked all family members to contribute monetary donations…instead of gifts!….for their birthdays this year.  Jay is almost finished building it!…photos to come soon!)

-clean my car and get my house back in order from all of these parties!

-take the numerous bags of stuff to the Goodwill!  Yay for getting rid of things!

-edit personal photos

-sign the kids up for the summer reading program at the library

-several appointments this week

-Carter starts indoor soccer this week(technically it was last week, but he wanted to do VBS)

-attend our friend’s cookout



-edit Matt and Emily’s wedding

-get my things together for the fun project I am working on….

-blog Sarah and Brian’s wedding

-send out images to all of my vendors!

-record expenses and mileage


Hope everyone has a great week!