Manic Monday!

Gooooood morning!  I am not ready for Monday, but it came anyway!! 😛  If you didnt notice, there wasnt a Manic Monday last week!(I know…totally looks like Im slacking off, but I promise…I am just really busy here!  From about April-July and then again from September-December are, by far, my most busiest times of the year(and wouldnt you know….my kids’ birthdays and Christmas fall into both of those brackets!!!)  Maybe not the best excuse, but oh well!!

SO, this past weekend was the first weekend in a while that I didnt have a wedding to shoot!  It was a nice little break, but busy nonetheless!  Friday after school, we went over to the Tewalt’s house for swimming and pizza!  It was a great time(yes, the water was freezing…no, I did not get in lol!) But the kids had a great time swimming! 🙂  Saturday, Carter had a soccer game….in the rain!!  It was not very fun, but they didnt seem to mind at all.  After, I headed downtown for a photo shoot with the “J” family!  I have known this sweet family since their boys were first born nearly two years ago!  Those photos are coming soon!  🙂

After I got back home, we finished packing up and then headed to Busch Gardens for the afternoon.  The kids and I have never been there before so I was really excited!  Unfortunately, it began to rain while we were there and our time was cut short due to the weather.  However, in the short time we had there, it was a blast!  The kids loved the roller coasters and rides(Jay and I dont have the stomach for rides like we used to haha!) but we all had a good time.  From there, we continued our adventure to the hotel in Hampton for Kaleigh’s meet yesterday.  She had to be there at 8 in the morning so we decided it would be best to stay at a hotel for the night.  It was pretty late when we got there and I wanted to make sure that Kaleigh got a good night’s rest so we ordered Outback to go and lounged in the room until bedtime.

Yesterday was a pretty busy day!  We ate a yummy breakfast at the hotel before heading to the convention center for Kaleigh’s meet.  If you arent familiar with gymnastics meets, they last about 3-4 hours haha!  This meet was her biggest and most important meet of the year(States!) I was nervous for her, but every time I looked at her she had a big smile on her face so I know she had a great time!  And I have to say, this was her best meet of the season!  She was confident, solid, and so graceful and I could not be more proud of her!  Out of the 28 gyms in Virginia that competed(and who knows how many girls!) I am so proud to say that Kaleigh was named Virginia’s 2013 All-Around State Champion!!  What an accomplishment!  I could not help but cry when they called her name and she took her place at the podium!  So many emotions ran through me and I was so happy for her…she works so hard and is so dedicated and I am just so, so proud of her!

We headed home after the meet and went to Mexico(Kaleigh’s favorite restaurant) to celebrate!  When we got home, we had a little down time along with some chores that needed to be done.  We went over to Duke’s house(my dad) for brownies(also to celebrate Kaleigh’s accomplishment) and then back home for baths and bedtime.  It was a BUSY and memorable weekend!

Ok, Ive rambled on far too long, so here is the goal list…..


Last 2 week’s goals:



-Carter’s Outdoor Day at preschool(unless it gets rained out) 🙁 The original date got rained out, but we had the make up day the very next day.  It was such a wonderful time!  I am going to miss his preschool!  🙁

-Mother’s Day 🙂 It was a pretty relaxing day!  Jay made me breakfast, we went to Nana and Papa’s for lunch and then just hung out all day! 🙂

-Kaleigh’s girl scout camping trip on Friday SO much fun!  I blogged about it, if you missed it, you can view it here!

-teacher appreciation week at Kaleigh and Carter’s school

-take birthday pictures with the kidsWell, one kid at least….Kaleigh didnt want to 🙁

-finish making the “yearbooks” for Carter and his class

-catch up on laundry!

-continue planning for the kids birthdays next month

-make slideshow for Kaleigh’s gymnastics team for the end of the year party

-Carter’ spring play on Thursday

-edit pictures from the girl scout camping trip



-engagement shoot with Joe and Angela

-engagement shoot with Matt and Emily

-continue editing Nathan and Katie’s wedding

-cull through Travis and Jackie’s wedding and begin editing

-blog Nathan and Katie’s wedding

-edit Travis and Jackie’s wedding

-edit 2 engagement sessions

-catch up on emails

-write down expenses and mileage


This week’s TO DO list:


-Carter’s LAST week of preschool!  So bittersweet!  I hate thinking that he will be in kindergarten this fall and he is very sad to be leaving his preschool 🙁

-my sister’s birthday(hoping to spend a little time with her!)

-Kaleigh’s second week of SOL’s which means early bedtime!!! 🙂

-celebrating Carter’s birthday at his preschool along with his other friends who have summer birthdays!

-end of the year party for gymnastics

-maybe a bowling night and a trip to the zoo this week/weekend with the family!

-edit personal photos

-order invites for the kids’ parties!!



-Im going to be second shooting with Angela Roy this Saturday!  So excited to finally meet her…we have talked through email over the last several months!

-edit the “J” family

-blog Travis and Jackie’s wedding

-blog Angela and Joe’s engagement session

-blog Emily and Matt’s engagement session

-catch up on emails

-write down expenses and mileage

-send out client packages


Another busy week….Ive decided that it will NEVER slow down…no matter how much I convince myself that at certain times of year things will slow down…its just not true lol!  I guess being busy is better than being bored! 😉  Happy Monday everyone!