Manic Monday!

Yay!  Manic Monday is back! 🙂  I really cannot believe that it is May already and wedding season is in full swing.  All of our weekends are pretty jammed pack, especially with us trying to do things as a family, yard work, weddings, soccer games, and gymnastics meets.  Looking at our schedule…from about the beginning of April we havent had(and wont have) a free, “nothing on the calender” weekend until the end of June!  It’s a little daunting when I think about the busyness of these months, but I am looking forward to the break we will get when the kids get out of school(although at that point I will be anxious to find things to keep them occupied haha!)

This past weekend was packed with a soccer game(great job Carter!), a wedding(congrats Jackie and Travis!), arts in the park(cold but fun), a tea party with the girl scouts(so adorable!), and a cookout(so fun!)!  It was quite an eventful weekend and we all had a really great time.  I dont know about anyone else, but I was pretty exhausted by it all lol.  I am hoping to spend the early part of this week catching up on all the things I didnt accomplish and taking it easy…I would love to spend some time at home.  As crazy as it sounds, I am hardly ever there!  I think I am in my car about 80% of my day. 🙁  With the kids schedules and running them both to and from school, I tend to just stay out and work outside of the house to make it easier(and most cost efficient with the gas).  I think this is another reason why I am looking forward to summer haha.

Ok, enough rambling!  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, although the weather wasnt as nice as it should be for MAY!!

Here is a recap for last week!


Last week’s goals:



-lots of errand running this week 🙁

-take birthday pictures with the kids

-finish making the “yearbooks” for Carter and his class

-catch up on laundry!

-continue planning for the kids birthdays next month

-make slideshow for Kaleigh’s gymnastics team for the end of the year party



-back up my computer do a major purge…I have no space left on my computer! :/

-cull through Nathan and Katie’s wedding and start editing!

-renew my website subscription

-turn in more paperwork to the government for the business

-emails, sending out packages, and client drop off orders 🙂

-order the two wedding albums that I designed


This week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:


-Carter’s Outdoor Day at preschool(unless it gets rained out) 🙁

-Mother’s Day 🙂

-Kaleigh’s girl scout camping trip on Friday

-teacher appreciation week at Kaleigh and Carter’s school

-take birthday pictures with the kids

-finish making the “yearbooks” for Carter and his class

-catch up on laundry!

-continue planning for the kids birthdays next month

-make slideshow for Kaleigh’s gymnastics team for the end of the year party



-engagement shoot with Joe and Angela

-engagement shoot with Matt and Emily

-continue editing Nathan and Katie’s wedding

-cull through Travis and Jackie’s wedding and begin editing


Happy Monday!! 🙂