Carter the Great | My Superhero

Recently, Carter has become obsessed with super heros.  I am not sure how this came about because he doesn’t watch any shows with super heros, so it must be from the couple of books he has read.  He has a cape and uses a special voice when he is being a super hero.  He even has special phrases that he uses like, “You will never feat me!” or, “Super hero toooo the recuuuuu!” and then proceeds to push an imaginary magic button on his stomach that makes him fly.  And lets not forget his spatula or wooden spoon that he he uses as a sword or magic weapon or whatever his heart desires.  I decided to ask him a series of questions to get a better idea on what he thinks a superhero is all about!  Below is our conversation:

Me:  Are you a superhero?

Carter: Yea, an I can feat that bad guy from the world!

Me:  What is your super hero name?

Carter:  Chief Super Hero.

Me:  What do super heros do?

Carter:  They fly to the moon.

Me:  And then what do they do?

Carter:  They just fall out their nests and break their heads.

Me: What do the bad guys do?

Carter: They fight me and I die.(Not sure where he got this from!  But apparently he thinks that when you “die” you can still talk to people but you just cant see) haha!

Me:  And what do you do after?

Carter: I twirl then hug Jingles then I waggle around then I fwap my wings.  And thats all I do!

Me:  Are you a good superhero?

Carter:  Yeaaaaa.

So before you get to the images below, I also wanted to share how totally OBSESSED Carter is with his fireman rain boots.  For the last THREE months, he has worn these boots EVERY.  SINGLE.. DAY.  No lie.  Anyone who knows Carter can attest to this haha!  On days where its 90+ degrees outside, I don’t know how he can stand it, but he never complains.  He has a pair of sandals and tennis shoes, but will never wear them…..I’m sure that one day soon his days of wearing the boots will be over, so for now I am enjoying every moment of it….and watching people point and say how cute my son is. 🙂  And no matter how silly he looks, it will never be as bad as the brown boots with flowers(Kaleigh’s shoes) that he wore for TWO months before he got the fireman boots….or the hot pink crocs…..or the silver sparkly shoes……and yes, I let him go out in public like this because he is three and a little boy who is learning, growing, discovering, and using his independence….and most importanly, it makes him happy.  And thats all I want for my children….

  • August 8, 2011 - 2:45 PM

    Carly - Carter the great! it looks like he can bake and fight crime in that cape! these are precious.ReplyCancel