Manic Monday!

How about the super bowl last night?!?!  What a great game!  Crazy too with the power outage….I really thought the 49ers were going to come back but oh well!  I have a friend who is a cheerleader for the Ravens and it was pretty neat knowing that she was there!  Im sure she is going to have some really great stories!  So here is a little recap of our weekend…..Friday, Kaleigh had a friend spend the night.  They had a great time building forts, singing to songs on the karaoke machine, watching a movie and eating popcorn and other fun girl stuff.  They also were really great about including Carter so he felt special playing with them.  It was so funny to walk in the playroom and see Carter playing on the drum set and the girls dancing and singing into the microphones!!  I just love this age!  Kaleigh and her friend that came over are doing the talent show tomorrow evening at school so I am very excited to see them perform!  THey have been working hard and practicing together for a couple of weeks now.  It should be a fun show!  Saturday, the kids went to their cousin Hylton’s house for a playdate so Jay and I could run some errands(we finally picked out the paint for our bedroom) so we went to Home Depot to get supplies.  I am hoping to get started on the painting project this week.  Our house right now looks like a tornado went through it.  It is total chaos with us bringing in new furniture and trying to get rid of old furniture.  Ugh!  I can’t wait until this process is complete lol!  Anyway, after we picked up the kids we headed over to our friends house to hang out for the evening.  The moms all did a “design and wine” thing while the kids played and guys hung out.  We always enjoy going over there because the kids get along great and we all have a good time!  Yesterday we celebrated the Super Bowl by eating an enormous amount of food at my dad’s house and watching the game.  Definitely am going to be doing some hard core exercising this week….excluding today because Im being lazy and not doing anything but cleaning! 🙂  Goal list below!  Sorry if this sounds so choppy….when we got home last night everyone was so exhausted that we all fell asleep and I didnt hear my alarm go off this morning so everyone is off to a very late start!  Guess its just another Manic Monday!  Ha!

Last week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:


-unpack and catch up on laundry

-buy paint for our room and start painting


-start on a fun, new personal project!



-meet with Stephanie for images

-grueling tax stuff

-still need to pick out a good book for the biz

-finish up bridal/family guide…almost done!


This week’s goals and things I am looking forward to:


-Kaleigh’s talent show on Tuesday

-painting our bedroom

-finish up the personal project 🙂

-two birthday parties this weekend



-bridal shoot on Friday!

  • February 4, 2013 - 9:55 AM

    Hollie - You guys always have so much fun on the weekends! What color did you choose for your bedroom? It probably sounds strange, but I love painting! So much in fact, that I refuse to let my husband help me. haha! Less arguments that way! lolReplyCancel

    • February 4, 2013 - 10:14 AM

      Ashley - lol! You wanna come over here?!?! I hate painting and Im pretty sure Jay doesnt like it either haha! We got gray for the walls 🙂 So excited!!ReplyCancel