Manic Monday

Good morning friends!  I hope you are doing well today. 🙂  Its been a couple of weeks since I’ve done a Manic Monday….the last two Mondays have been holidays so Ive taken off. 🙂  To start off, we had a WONDERFUL Christmas and New Year!  We got to spend a lot of time with family over the holiday and the kids had a blast on their break.  We didnt do too much other than a few Christmas plays, movie watching, Christmas parties, a couple of birthday celebrations,and of course, celebrating Christmas and the New Year.

The kids got everything they wanted and MORE for Christmas!  Kaleigh’s favorite present was an IPod Touch from her Nana and American girl doll from Mema and Carter’s favorite toys were a TMNT(Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle) figurine, power ranger figurine, and Spiderman/Batman’s cave.  Surprisingly, he wasnt that interested in his gift from Santa(a DS) but has since then played with it quite a few times.  All in all, it was a great Christmas and we enjoyed seeing their faces light up with each new gift opened.

One of the biggest surprises for me was the day that Kaleigh had to go back to school.  I set her alarm for her on her IPod and before I even was out of bed, she was dressed and playing sweetly with Carter.  I loved hearing their little giggles in the morning…warmed my heart. 🙂  She has been very responsible with it too!  She keeps up with and really doesnt take it out of the house.  She actually chooses to keep it at home to keep it safe!  She has been doing really well with keeping up with her glasses as well, they are so adorable on her and she loves them!

Friday evening, Kaleigh and Carter played outside with some neighborhood kids(they always end up at our house…totally fine with me!)  Makes me feel better that I know where they are and what they are doing. 😉  After, Kaleigh’s “sister” Leah came over and played for a while…it was a pretty perfect day for a kid!  Saturday, they spent the day with their cousin, Hylton and had a blast!  We are going to try to do a once a month playdate with them because they love seeing each other and really get along well.  While they were having fun, Jay and I took a trip to Home Depot to get supplies for the first project of our room makeover!  I got a really nice piece of furniture from the Goodwill for $50 and am going to refinish it!  After, we went to Target to pick up a few things that I have been wanting for our room and then it was back home to start the project.  Technically, I didnt do anything but make the purchases.  It took Jay a couple of hours to sand the dresser and I helped with the painting, but that was about it!  I am not really a “hands on” person unless it comes to photo taking and decorating haha!  I have lots of ideas about things I want to do, but I usually leave the handy work to Jay. 🙂

One of my goals in the last couple of weeks has been to come up with a consistent blogging calender.  Its pretty simple, but I am excited because I will now have consistency with my blog!  I hope you all like it!  You can check it out here!!



-Kaleigh and Carter’s school Christmas parties!   On the same day!  Ahh!

-make Christmas presents for teachers

-Christmas shopping for family

-straighten up the house

-call dentist for Kaleigh(she chipped her tooth over the weekend)

-celebrate Nana’s birthday on Tuesday

-plan fun things for the kids during Christmas break

-see ” ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas” play on Saturday



-catch up on emails


-order new SD cards

-sign up for CPS

-begin making sample album

-begin learning lightroom

-finish my blogging calender


This week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:


-Carter goes back to preschool(Im not really looking forward to this one, but I know he is)

-getting back into my routine(student holidays always throw everything off, so I will be glad to resume the weekly routines)

-having tea at the Jefferson Hotel with Carly and Leah

-maybe another project for the bedroom

-Kaleigh’s gymnastics meet!



-edit 1 year session with the “M” twins!  So bittersweet!  Ive watched these girls grow up over this last year!

-continue working on sample albums

-send of equipment for cleaning

-continue writing/organizing goals and what I want to do with my business in 2013

-get my inbox in order(create folders for specific things so I can stay organized!)


What are your goals this week/month??  I’d love to hear them! 🙂  Happy Monday everyone!

  • January 7, 2013 - 4:21 PM

    Anna - My goals are to finish prepping for a photo class I am teaching on Saturday and Editing!!! Including your photos! Sooooooo behind.ReplyCancel