Manic Monday! Personal Goals

It is hard to believe there are only 15 more days until Christmas!!  The time is flying by and I still have SO much to do before Christmas!  Thankfully, I got a lot accomplished this weekend and this week looks like its going to be pretty productive.  Having finished ALL of my editing for the season has lifted a huge weight off my shoulders.  It feels great knowing that my clients all have their beautiful images just in time for the holidays.  Thank you to each and every single one of my couples and families who have chosen me as your photographer, I cannot express how grateful I am for you all and how wonderful 2012 has been because of you.  It is an HONOR to have been a part of these special times for you all!  THANK YOU!

SO, with all of my major editing completed, I am now able to devote some much needed time to sleep lol!  Because Carter is still not in school full time, the only chance I get to edit is during the really late hours of night.  I have been sleep deprived for far too long and I am excited to be able to go to sleep at a decent hour during my off-season.  🙂  I have a lot of expectations and goals for myself not only during these next couple of months, but also for not only 2013.  I think I may just write a blog post about that here soon.

This weekend was a pretty fun one…Friday afternoon, Kaleigh’s good friend(who she calls her sister) Leah, came over for a sleepover.  They hadn’t seen one another in a while so they were very excited!  They ate pizza, watched Elf, and did lots of fun “girl” stuff together.  We also had another special guest in our home on Friday.  My very good friend Beth Harris who is also a photographer had a wedding in Virginia(she and her family moved back to their home town in Kentucky over the summer) so she needed a place to crash for the night.  I was thankful to have gotten a chance to catch up with her and hang out for a little while.  Sorry Beth to have kept you up until 2 am lol!  Thank you for visiting us, love you lots!

Saturday, we headed out to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and then we came home and relaxed before our busy afternoon and evening.  I had a photo shoot with Amy and Cooper(their pictures coming soon!) and then our family headed out to see a Christmas play at the West End Assembly of God.  I used to live in that area and each year we would go see the enormous display of lights near our neighborhood.  Our family doesn’t get out to this area much, so this was a “must see” this year.  The kids were amazed at how many lights there were!  And no matter how many times I’ve seen them, it never ceases to amaze me as well.  After, we headed over to Northminster to hear the release of “Pieces of Me” by Rachel Shultz and LJM.  The performance was beautiful and Rachel sounded incredible!!!  I was so proud and hoped that Kaleigh was inspired to see her very own piano teacher up on the big stage praising God.  I highly recommend checking her out.  🙂  She sang “Oh Holy Night” at the end and I was speechless…what a gift she has!

Another HUGE thing that happened was that Carter slept in his OWN bed all by himself Saturday night!  I know some of you may not think this is a big deal and some may think that I am crazy because my son is 4 1/2 years old.  But he is a very convincingly sweet boy who always wins me over and ends up in the bed with us.  So for him to go to his own bed willingly and only get out a total of three times before finally dozing off is a big deal!  I am so proud of him and at the same time, saddened by the fact that he is indeed, growing up.  🙁  As I write this, he is laying asleep all by himself in his own bed, in his own room. Sweet boy…

Sunday, we did some major cleaning around the house and then went to my Dad’s for dinner.  It was a nice way to end the weekend and now my house looks nice and clean…..and ready for the kids and our crazy lives to destroy it until next weekend’s cleaning haha!  Oh well, at least I got one day to enjoy it.  I guess thats just how life works.  Below are a few images from the past week…


Last week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:


-get Carter a haircut

-take car to the shop

-begin Christmas shopping! Yes!!  Did some major damage last week on this.  Just need a few more things and we are set!

-Help out at Kaleigh’s school this week 🙂 What a FUN time this was!  All of the third grade classrooms got together in the cafeteria to decorate gingerbread houses!  It was so much fun to watch the kids hard at work creating edible masterpieces! 🙂

-sign Carter up for a trial class of Karate!

-take Carter to the doctor…he has had a cold for quite a while and just not getting better…poor thing! Doc said everything looked great…and I feel better knowing.

-finish decorating the tree!  It looks so pretty!!!  I will have to post a picture soon! 🙂

-visit Santa and get pictures taken

-movie on Wednesday with a friend Yay!  So much fun having girl time!  Thanks again Kara!

-girl scouts with Kaleigh So cute!  This week the girls went to an elderly community home to sing Christmas carols for them.  They had a blast!

-fun activities with the kids for Christmas(ornament making at the library, All Fired Up for ceramic painting, look at the Christmas lights, and go see the West End Assembly of God Christmas play)  WHEW!



-package and send out client packages

-design album for Theodore 🙂

-order new SD cards

-send lens(es) off for a cleaning

-sign up for CPS

-order a special gift for my clients

-client emails and phone calls

-promo shoot today  If you didnt see the sneak peak of me on my personal page, go check it out….cant believe that is ME!  Crazy!

-blog LOTS of sessions! 🙂

-finish editing Becky and Chris’ wedding and Tiont and Jeannae’s! 🙂 Hurray!!!  So happy to have gotten all of my clients their images before Christmas.


This week’s goals and things Im looking forward to:


-order instagram book just did it! 🙂

-attend Carter’s Christmas sing-a-long

-continue Christmas shopping and start wrapping!

-Book fair with Kaleigh and her winter play performance

-lunch with Kaleigh one day

-visit my mom for the weekend

-visit Santa and get pictures taken

-take car to shop

-send off Christmas cards!



-blog mini sessions

-client meeting

-package and send off client orders

-order new SD cards

-send lens(es) off for a cleaning

-sign up for CPS

-begin learning LR

-track expenses and miles


Have a great week everyone! 🙂