Manic Monday!

WOW!  What a FUN and BUSY weekend it was!!  We went on our annual camping trip to Goochland and apple picking at Carter Mountain this weekend!  It was a such a fun and relaxing time, but why do I feel exhausted?!?!  I guess its kind of like when you go on vacation and you get home and feel like you need another vacation lol!  The kids were pretty tired this morning too and I think it will take us a day or two to adjust.  But, it was so much fun and I already am looking forward to next year’s trip. 🙂

Saturday after Carter’s soccer game, we headed to Goochland, where we spent the day raking leaves and jumping in them, fishing, riding around in the golf cart, taking pictures :), and hanging out by the fire.  The kids spent a lot of time playing inside the cabin together and having fun outside.  They got along SO well…it made me realize how much more often we need to get out with them.  When they are at home they just get under each other’s skin and purposely try to pick on each other!  This weekend, it was like having two different children lol!  Later, we roasted hotdogs and marshmallows, carved pumpkins, and the kids watched a movie in bed together.  I would love to get up to Goochland more often…its such a fun place for everyone!  Kaleigh’s favorite part of camping at Goochland was playing with the Indian dolls lol and Carter’s favorite part was fishing. 🙂

Sunday we woke up, packed everything up, and headed to Carter Mountain.  I was shocked to see how crowded it was!!!  Thankfully, we ate at Michie’s Tavern first so the crowd died down a little, but there were still A LOT of people there!  It was just the perfect day to go.  The walk was long, but it was worth it when we found all the apples on the trees!  We enjoyed picking apples and eating them and just hanging out as a family.  We also enjoyed eating their amazing apple doughnuts!  If you’ve never tried them before, you have to!  So good!  We didnt end up leaving until 6:30 and by the time we got home, I was beat.  I had so much to do last night, but decided to sleep instead, knowing it would be the best thing for me.  Ive got a busy couple of weeks coming up before we leave for the cruise and I need all the rest I can get!

Today will be spent catching up on emails, cleaning, unpacking, and editing.  I will do a blog post soon on our trip this weekend!  Until then, here are the goals!


Last weeks goals:



-take out Kaleigh’s fall clothes

-order more fall prints 🙂

-edit personal photos

-clean and pack for our camping and apple picking trip!

-date night!      Unfortunately, we were both so exhausted from the work week that we just spent the evening at home….pizza and movie night with the kids!



-Get ready for my annual family session with the Bucklands today!! Thank you all for such a great shoot!!! 🙂

-send out client packages

-put two albums on facebook

-edit wedding photos

-lightroom is going on the backburner for now…..maybe after October I can begin learning it! 🙂


This week’s goals:


-CLEAN….my house is a disaster! 🙁

-edit personal photos and order prints

-prepare for a busy week of Fall Festivals and field trips

-lots of errands today….post office bank, gift buying, pumpkin patch outing,etc

-put fall clothes in drawers for kids!

-get new locks for doors



-edit wedding photos!

-meet with my June bride and groom today!

-get ready for a fun family session on Friday!

-get ready for Chris and Becky’s wedding this weekend!!!

-order client canvas

-send of one of my lenses to get serviced and rent a lens for this weekend

-order new cards and battery grip

-back up laptop and free space!


Have a great Monday everyone!



  • October 15, 2012 - 12:09 PM

    Hollie - Sounds like such a fun time! I’m exhausted from the weekend, too!ReplyCancel

    • October 15, 2012 - 12:11 PM

      Ashley - I bet! It looks like the birthday party was a hit! 🙂ReplyCancel