Manic Monday!

Good morning!  I hope everyone enjoyed the beautiful weekend we had!  Im feeling a bit under the weather today but am hopeful that I will start feeling better very soon!  Im going to catch up a little on the kids and school…We are going into week four for Kaleigh and week three for Carter and here’s how its been going so far!

Carter is LOVING preschool!  His best friend is in his class and he could not be more excited to go to school each day.  I thought he would have a difficult time with separation, but I was wrong.  And I surprised myself because I didnt even cry the first day!  I felt myself tear up a little but quickly shrugged it off because I know how happy he was to go….he’d only been talking about preschool for a solid year lol!  I think next year will be completely different though.  He will be going to school everyday, all day and it will be the first time in NINE years that I have been without children all day.  It is going to be SUCH a huge change for me…one that I am not quite ready for, but I know it will be good.  I will finally be able to balance work and home life better(I can have normal work hours!)  So its definitely something to look forward to.

Kaleigh is having a blast in third grade as well.  Her best friend is in her class again this year and she really loves her teacher.  I dont know how this little girl handles everything she does, but she does!  Not only does she go to school each and every day and keeps up with homework, but she also is at the gym 8 hours a week, takes piano lessons once a week(and has to practice 4 times a week), and is a member of girl scouts!  It makes me tired just thinking about it!  I think she likes staying busy though and its good for her….if she were around the house all day she would just want to watch TV!

So this weekend we had our first bonfire complete with hotdogs and smores and it was GREAT!  It makes me so excited for all the fun things we have planned this fall!  The weather could not have been more perfect and the kids had a great time hanging out with their friends.  Saturday was a pretty big day for us!  It was Carter’s first soccer game of the season and their team did a fantastic job!  Score 6-1( and Carter scored FOUR of those goals!)  I love watching him out on the field…he has a great time!  After the game we went to Kings Dominion for a few hours.  Will’s girlfriend, Kara, had free tickets for us AND free money for Phillip Morris Day at KD so we went to the park, rode games, ate a TON of food, and got souvenirs all for FREE!  It was so much fun…we havent been in a few years and it was nice to revisit the park.  It also reminded me of why we dont get annual passes….crowds and hot weather do not mix well with me! 🙂  But it was a blast for one day! 🙂  I had an engagement party shoot Saturday evening(hey Monica!) and it was so perfect!  The weather, decor, food, and people were great!  I cant wait to share the images.  The only downside to all the fun we had Friday and Saturday….I came home feeling pretty bad and even worse yesterday.  Despite feeling sick though, we cleaned up a lot around the house and managed to get all the decorations down for fall and Halloween!  Yay!  They are still sitting in the boxes, but hey, at least they are down from the attic!  I havent been feeling much better today, but am hoping that I can kick this cold before the end of the week.  Ive got too much to do to be sick!!

So, here’s the recap from last weeks goals…..


-begin getting fall/Halloween decor out

-PTO meetings, back to school night, Room parent meetings, etc!

-do something fun as a family(hopefully going to the pumpkin patch….we wont be here for Halloween this year, so I am trying to get everything done early!)

-Carter’s first soccer game!



-blog Jay and Brittany’s wedding

-meet with a potential wedding couple!

-engagement party shoot on Saturday!

-meet with Susan to drop off her canvas!

-install lightroom

-EDIT!  I am ALMOST caught up!


This week’s goals:


-get some rest so I can start feeling better

-decorate for Halloween

-schedule a day to go to the Pumpkin Patch

-order the kid’s Halloween costumes so I can take photos of them! 🙂

-put all summer clothes away and take out fall clothes!

-girls night!



-blog Jay and Brittany’s wedding


-install lightroom and all programs on my new laptop

-send out client packages

-record expenses and mileage

-product photography shoot on Saturday!