Manic Monday

Well, this post is coming out a bit late!  Im going to try to make it short and sweet!  It was a busy weekend for us!  Wednesday after Kaleigh’s end of the year party, we packed up and headed out to Virginia Beach for a mini vacation.  We stayed until Friday evening and even though the weather did not cooperate with us, we still managed to have a great time swimming in the pool, going to the aquarium, visiting the art show on the boardwalk, and eating delicious seafood!  All in all, it was a fun time…maybe our next trip we will be able to make it to the beach!  Saturday was Kaleigh’s 8th birthday!!  In case you missed her birthday session, your can view it here.  What a fun day that was!  Kaleigh opened her gifts that morning and ate her favorite birthday breakfast(cinnamon rolls) and then her and I took a special trip to Target to get a diary she had been wanting.  After, we went to Nana and  Papa’s for Madison’s graduation(Congrats again Madison!!)  Rick and Gigi took Kaleigh to her favorite store(Justice) and Barnes and Noble for some birthday shopping and then we all met up at Stevie B’s for dinner…again, Kaleigh’s choice!  I think its so funny that out off all the places she could have chosen, she decided Stevie B’s was the top choice. 🙂  Sunday was Father’s Day(Happy Belated Father’s Day to all the great dads out there!)  We spent the day relaxing by the pool…I don’t think it could have been any more perfect!  Needless to say, this weekend was a busy one but there were so many great festivities that made for some great memories!  This week will be spent working, cleaning, and preparing for my wedding…along with trying to adjust to having two kids at home all day!  Easier said than done!  😉


And now onto the goals…..


Last week’s goals:

Personal Goals:

-create a rough summer schedule for myself and the kids….will do this week!

-celebrate Kaleigh turning 8 on Saturday

-have fun at all the festivities at Kaleigh’s school….celebration birthday party, awards assembly, end of the year party, an dlast day of school!!!

-celebrate the  beginning of summer by taking a trip to the beach for a couple of days!!

-workout three times….only twice, but I was at the beach.  Thats an excuse right??


Business Goals:

-edit wedding photos

-edit session photos

-update expenses for May/June

-place client orders

-catch up on emails!

-burn and package cds to send off for my amazing clients


This week’s goals:


-create a rough summer schedule for myself and the kids

-workout three times….I NEED to do this!

-clean, clean and clean some more!

-get together with some friends for some play date fun!



-edit wedding photos

-blog 1 personal post and 1 wedding post

-get excited for my wedding Josh and Erin’s wedding this weekend!

-edit 2 portrait sessions

-edit 2 bridal portrait sessions

-edit 3 weddings

-book my hotel for this weekend…..ah!!!  Should NOT have waited this long!!!

-place client orders


Happy Monday everyone!  Hope you have a great week! 🙂