Manic Monday!

We had a great couple of days this past weekend!  Kaleigh and I went on a camping trip with her girl scout troop on Friday afternoon and it was a BLAST!  The girls did everything from making a fire, and going on a letter box hunt, to making a craft, sleeping in a tent and swimming in the creek!  Aside from the two foxes and raccoon who kept roaming around trying to steal our food, the entire trip could not have been more perfect.  The weather was beautiful and the girls are at a great age where they enjoy doing things like this.  Even the “work” like collecting wood for the fire and setting the table for dinner was fun for them.  I was so happy that Kaleigh got to experience such wonderful things…many of which were firsts for her.  It makes me excited for what is in store for the summer!

Saturday we took it easy and went to the Goochland Drive-In Theater.  The kids LOVED it!  If there is one thing you should do this summer, it should be the drive-in.  Not only can you see a movie, but they open the gates early and there is a playground and concession stand(where everything is under $3.50!)  Its such a fun experience for both kids and adults!  And the best part…its cheap!  We paid $20 for all of our tickets to see a new release movie!  Carter asked if we could go back again yesterday haha!  Im sure we will go back sooner than later!

On another note, Kaleigh has FOUR days left of school!  I know she is so excited to have the summer off and I cant wait to make a calender of all the fun things we will do this summer!  This past year has gone by so quickly, I honestly cannot believe that this week is her LAST week of school!  Wow!  I’d really love to hear about summer plans that you all have coming up….a special trip?  Any fun activities/places to go you would like to share??  🙂

Needless to say, this week will be jammed packed with parties and other end-of-the-school-year activities!  I do have some downtime from photo sessions to sort of slip into summer so thats good!  I am just hoping I dont go crazy this summer with two children in the house all. day. long.  Whew!  Better get to planning….

The photo below was taken during the camping trip!  I am already looking forward to next year’s trip!


So here’s the recap….

Last week’s goals:

Personal Goals:

-workout three times

-sign the kids up for summer reading program at the library

-clean up from the parties…ughhh

-edit birthday party photos almost done!

-try not to stress about all the things I have to do while I am at the annual girl scout camping trip Friday evening/Saturday


Business Goals:

-have fun at my three family shoots and bridal shoot this week!….another BUSY week ahead

-edit wedding photos

-edit client sessions

-client ordering session on today!


This week’s goals:

Personal Goals:

-create a rough summer schedule for myself and the kids

-celebrate Kaleigh turning 8 on Saturday

-have fun at all the festivities at Kaleigh’s school….celebration birthday party, awards assembly, end of the year party, an dlast day of school!!!

-celebrate the  beginning of summer by taking a trip to the beach for a couple of days!!

-workout three times


Business Goals:

-edit wedding photos

-edit session photos

-update expenses for May/June

-place client orders

-catch up on emails!

-burn and package cds to send off for my amazing clients


Happy Monday everyone!  Hope you all have a great week 🙂


  • June 11, 2012 - 5:33 PM

    Kristy Life-n-Reflection - You are quite brave camping with all the girls. I have tried and never successfully camped yet. I guess as my Husband, I’m just too prissy. I hope your week goes by with many blessings.ReplyCancel

    • June 11, 2012 - 9:35 PM

      Ashley - Haha!! I was definitely nervous, but it turned out to be great! And we had a lot of moms there helping out. 🙂 I am hoping to do it at least once more this summer.ReplyCancel