Manic Monday!

This week is going to be a super busy week for me!   Lots of editing, planning, and running around to do!  This week’s Manic Monday is going to be quick!  Our Friday evening was pretty laid back….we had pizza, watched a little tv, and hung out with Jay’s brother, Will and his girlfriend, Kara.  Saturday was a pretty big day!  We went to Carter’s soccer game(where he scored three goals!) and then right after, hit the road for Rock Hall, Maryland for a wedding!  It was BEAUTIFUL!  I cannot wait to show you the images!! 🙂  Sadly, the stay wasn’t very long…Carter had his last soccer game yesterday at 1:00 so yesterday morning was spent driving home!  Below are a few images from the venue taken with my iPhone!

PIN IMAGECarter had his best game yet!  He scored FOUR goals in the game(a record for the season!) We celebrated by having ice cream at Bruster’s.  I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day, so we just lounged around. 🙂   PIN IMAGE

Ok!  Here is a recap of last week’s goals:

Personal Goals:

-workout three times  🙁


-spend quality time with Carter Much of this time was spent playing super heros….

-edit personal photos  Not all, but some! 🙂  Hey, its a start!

-keep my downstairs CLEAN  I can’t believe how well this is going!!

-eat lunch or dinner with a girlfriend eating wasn’t involved and kids were there, but I’ll take it!

-create a cleaning schedule and stick to it!

-take one last bay trip! 🙁  I WILL go this week!

-start getting birthday stuff together(Ive got three weeks to plan both parties and Kaleigh’s party with her friends!)  a work in progress!


Business Goals:

– have a blast at my 2 family shoots this week!  Hurray! 🙂 🙂  One shoot rescheduled to this week!  Photos coming soon!

-edit wedding photos from the last three weddings  working on that this week!

-get ready for an amazing wedding coming up this weekend!  Cant wait! It was beautiful!!!

-create a work schedule and stick to it!


And here are this week’s goals!!

Personal Goals:

-workout three times

-finish Mockingjay(about 3/4 of the way through)

-edit personal photos

-keep my downstairs CLEAN

-eat lunch or dinner with a girlfriend

-create a cleaning schedule and stick to it!

-take one last bay trip! 🙁  I WILL go this week!

-start getting birthday stuff together

-take this weekend that I have off and RELAX!!!

-schedule a day to go strawberry picking with the kiddos!


Business Goals:

– have a blast at my 2 family shoots this week!

-edit wedding photos from the last three weddings  and family session

-create a work schedule and stick to it!

-record expenses for last week

-make cds and prepare packages for delivery


Let’s hope this week is successful for goal reaching!  Happy Monday everyone!