Manic Monday!

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a great weekend and Happy(belated) Mother’s Day to all the magnificent moms out there!  I hope your day was filled with love, relaxation, and lasting memories!

Before I go into the recap of our weekend, I want to tell you about the ordeal I went through on Thursday afternoon.  I took Carter to get a trim for his hair.  It was getting a little long…and to be honest, he was getting mistaken for a girl some of the time haha!  I never really minded it and I don’t think he did either(he would always politely correct someone when they called him a girl.)  Still, his bangs were beginning to get in the way and I just wanted to shape it up a little and take some length off.  Well, apparently the person cutting his hair did not understand what getting a “trim” meant because she proceeded to CHOP off ALL of his beautiful curls and awesomely stylish hair.  I was DEVASTATED to say the least.  I mean….I was the crazy person crying in the salon….and I got literally about 3 hours of sleep that night because of it.  It was a very sad day for me.  I know I am on the verge of sounding stupid right now, but Carter has only ever had long hair.  His hair is what made him stand out from the rest of the boys.  And it just fit him…not many boys can pull off that hair, but he COULD.  Not only this, but his hair made him look his age…now he looks like he is five!  I know it is just hair and that it will grow back, but my fear is that the curls are forever gone and it will never be the same.  He is my baby and I wanted to keep him that way for as long as possible.  I am still not used to it at all and he is officially growing his hair out haha!  🙂  OK, just had to get that off my chest!!  Now we can get on with Manic Monday!  Thank you everyone for the rant!!  Below is a few pictures from that ordeal…


It seems as if our weekends are always packed…no downtime at all!  I am hoping that with summer, this will change a little so that we can start spending more time as a family!  Friday, Kaleigh performed in the second grade play, “Temples and Tombs” and it was awesome!  I loved getting to watch her and all her friends sing and perform!  After, she had a friend over for a play date and later that evening we met up with a  neighbor couple/friends of ours.  They have kids around the same age and Kaleigh and Carter, so it was fun to hang out with some adults while the kids played.  We don’t get to do that very often, so when we do, it is always a treat! 🙂


Saturday, we went to Carter’s soccer game!  It’s always a blast to see him out there having fun.  And….he scored a goal again!  Yay!!  Only problem….I couldn’t recognize him among the rest of his teammates 🙁  After, we ate a quick lunch at Panera and then hopped over to Sweet Frog for some dessert before I headed off to my wedding(which, by the way, was AMAZING!!)  Thank you to Hollie who second shot with me this past weekend, it was a blast! 🙂  And to finish off the night, I came home to my Mother’s Day gifts(Jay can never wait haha!)  He knows me so well.  He got me Mockingjay(the last book in the Hunter Games trilogy) and a necklace from Stella and Dot that I have been wanting for a while!)

Sunday, I had the pleasure of waking up to breakfast in bed and homemade cards from Kaleigh and Carter.  Jay made me a veggie omelet, bacon, biscuit, and coffee.  So. Good.  We spent the early part of the afternoon hanging out with Jay’s side of the family and then the evening with mine.  We usually do this same routine for all holidays but it never seems to get old.  I love getting together with family to just be in the same room.  It’s a wonderful thing to feel connected with others, to be with people you know who care about you.  I think the only thing I regret is not brining my camera out one time during the day.  I guess in a way it was a “break” from my job, but….looking back, I missed out on some really great moments. 🙁  The day ended with a surprise bubble bath, complete with candles, wine, rose petals, and massage.  Boy, was I spoiled this year!! 🙂

OK!  So that was the recap of our weekend.  Moving on to last week’s goals(I am not proud of it!)  I didn’t get much accomplished, but it wasn’t because of laziness!  I promise!


Last week’s recap:


-workout three times  Woo-hoo!!

-read at least one chapter in my new book(Catching Fire)  YAY!  Finished the book and now reading Catching Fire(one of my Mother’s Day gifts!) 🙂

-spend quality time with Carter(something we are both in need of right now!)…..ughhh!  I need more hours in each day!

-edit personal photos……still a no!

-keep my downstairs CLEAN…..didnt happen this week!

-eat lunch or dinner with a girlfriend  🙁  Beth, play date this week??  🙂  Carly–dinner and a movie?!?!

-drink as many fraps as I can with the 1/2 off deal going on at Starbucks!!

-create a cleaning schedule and stick to it!

-take one last bay trip! 🙁  I WILL do this before the end of the weekend!


Business Goals:

-edit wedding photos from the last three weddings  It was a busy week!!

-tackle my inbox

-get ready for an amazing wedding coming up this weekend!  Cant wait!

-update book keeping

-create a work schedule and stick to it!


OK, so….many of last week’s goals were not reached as I would have liked, so this week I am really going to try to get things done!!  Here’s the list for this week!


This week’s goals:


Personal Goals:

-workout three times


-spend quality time with Carter

-edit personal photos

-keep my downstairs CLEAN

-eat lunch or dinner with a girlfriend

-create a cleaning schedule and stick to it!

-take one last bay trip! 🙁

-start getting birthday stuff together(Ive got three weeks to plan both parties and Kaleigh’s party with her friends!)


Business Goals:

– have a blast at my 2 family shoots this week!  Hurray! 🙂 🙂

-edit wedding photos from the last three weddings  ahhh!!!

-get ready for an amazing wedding coming up this weekend!  Cant wait!

-create a work schedule and stick to it!


Here’s to a new week!  Let’s hope I can get myself in gear! 🙂  What goals do YOU have for this week?!  I would love to hear them! 🙂  Good luck to you and accomplishing your goals this week!! 🙂

  • May 14, 2012 - 8:26 AM

    Hollie - Ashley!!! That doesn’t even look like the same kid!! I can’t believe she cut his hair that short!! 🙁 Glad you had an awesome Mother’s Day!!ReplyCancel

    • May 14, 2012 - 9:06 PM

      Ashley - I know!! 🙁 I just can’t get used to it! Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day!! 🙂ReplyCancel