Manic Monday!

This past weekend was busy and oh so FUN!  Fridays are our pizza night so I look forward to this day all week long!  Its a chance to unwind and enjoy a stress free(meaning I don’t have to cook!) meal!  We usually watch a movie, lounge around, and enjoy being lazy for the night!  Saturdays have become one of the busiest days of the week for me(other than Thursdays when I have to take Kaleigh from girl scouts, to gymnastics, and then piano!)  This Saturday we went to Carter’s soccer game…so sad his season is almost over.  It went by so quickly!  He did great and even scored a goal for his team!  He is so funny to watch…and he has figured out a strategy.  When he knows the other team is going for the goal he runs down to be goalie haha!  After the game, we went to Home Depot.  They were having some sort of event complete with popcorn, hot dogs, ice cream, a DIY project, and putt putt!  Oh, and Nutzy was there too. 🙂  As if that wasn’t enough…I had to rush home to get ready for Alexa and Dave’s wedding!  I had been looking forward to this day for SO long and couldn’t believe it was finally here!  To say the wedding was gorgeous is an understatement.  It could not have been a more perfect day for such a lovely couple!  I can’t wait to show you Alexa’s bridals…stay tuned, they are coming TODAY! 🙂  Sunday we took it easy.  Just hung around the house, watched a movie, and did some light cleaning.  Jay took the kids to play soccer in evening and I went to Starbucks and bought my new book! 🙂  Below are a few images from the past week!


Here is a recap of my goal list from last week!

Personal Goals:

-workout three times

-read at least one chapter in my new book(The Hunger Games)  Not only did I read one chapter…I finished the ENTIRE book!

-buy a dress for my wedding this weekend  Well, I didn’t wear it, but I’ve got a cute new dress! 🙂

-BREATHE   Taking it one day at a time!!! 🙂

-spend quality time with Carter(something we are both in need of right now!)   Wish it could have been more!

-catch up on laundry

-edit personal photos  Not sure if I will ever get to this!

-keep my downstairs CLEAN  YES!!


Business Goals:

-edit wedding photos from the last three weddings  Didn’t exactly edit them ALL, but I did finish one!  I’ll take it!

-tackle my inbox(this is a never ending task!)  Hmmm…..not exactly

-meet with my second shooters to discuss details for upcoming weddings    Meeting with Hollie tomorrow!!

-get ready for an amazing wedding coming up this weekend(this will be my FOURTH weekend in a row shooting a wedding….and I have two more directly after this one!  I am not ready for this lol!)   And I must say, the wedding was amazing to say the least!!

OK!  So here we go again!  Here is the goal list!


Personal Goals for this week:

-workout three times

-read at least one chapter in my new book(Catching Fire)  YAY!

-spend quality time with Carter(something we are both in need of right now!)

-edit personal photos

-keep my downstairs CLEAN

-eat lunch or dinner with a girlfriend

-drink as many fraps as I can with the 1/2 off deal going on at Starbucks!!

-create a cleaning schedule and stick to it!

-take one last bay trip! 🙁


Business Goals:

-edit wedding photos from the last three weddings(yep…still three due to the wedding this past weekend!)

-tackle my inbox

-get ready for an amazing wedding coming up this weekend!  Cant wait!

-update book keeping

-create a work schedule and stick to it!


Here’s to making and meeting goals!!  What are some of YOUR goals?  Have a great Monday everyone! 🙂

  • May 7, 2012 - 9:52 AM

    Hollie - I made the blog!!! HAHAHA! Can’t wait to meet with you!ReplyCancel

    • May 7, 2012 - 11:36 PM

      Ashley - 🙂 Looking forward to meeting you as well! 🙂ReplyCancel